Basic Tenets of FaithView›
Answers: 119
Subcategories: 6

Hadith & its SciencesView›
Answers: 72
Subcategories: 4

The Quran and its SciencesView›
Answers: 131
Subcategories: 3

Fiqh of the familyView›
Answers: 111
Subcategories: 18

Principles of FiqhView›
Answers: 12
Subcategories: 2

Etiquette, Morals and Heart-SoftenersView›
Answers: 23
Subcategories: 3

Psychological and Social ProblemsView›
Answers: 272
Subcategories: 2

Islamic history and biographyView›
Answers: 67
Subcategories: 3

Pedagogy education and upbringingView›
Answers: 13
Subcategories: 2

Calling Muslims to Islam
Is it permissible for him to give his Christian classmate a ride to the church in hopes of softening his heart towards Islam?
20,267Is he sinning if he ignores the view of someone who gave him a fatwa because he did not mention the evidence for his fatwa?
18,670Is every innovation (bid‘ah) worse and more serious than every major sin?
133,067It is essential to make friends with Muslim students in the west and cooperate with them, instead of engaging in theological arguments
22,571How should he deal with his family who celebrate the Prophet’s birthday (Mawlid) and make comments about him because he does not join them?
28,311My sister is married in a sunni family who have got their daughter married in an ahmaddiya family.So, can have good relation with my sisters family or should i abandon her family because they are having relations with ahmaddiyas.
23,796He committed zina with her, then he repented, and he is afraid that she may harm the baby; what should he do?
17,237How can I call someone who wants to become Christian?
16,012Which takes priority: calling non-Muslims to Islam or calling non-committed Muslims to become religiously committed?
56,626Advice to a believing girl whose family do not let her pray or wear hijab