Selected Questions
Evidence of the Oneness of Allah
Evidence of the Oneness of Allah includes the following:
1- The entire universe, in the way it is created and is controlled, testifies to the oneness of Allah.
2- The creation of the heavens and the earth, the alternation of night and day, the different kinds of inanimate objects, plants and fruits, the creation of humans and animals; all of that indicates that the Almighty Creator is One with no partner or associate.
3- The variety and greatness of these created things, the perfection of their formation, and the way they are maintained and controlled, all indicate that the Creator is One.
4- The soundness of the heavens and the earth, the order of the universe, the harmony among created things, all indicate that the Creator is One, with no partner or associate.Where to Place Your Hands in Prayer
Placing the hands on the chest is what is established in the Sunnah. Hands are placed on the chest in two ways: 1- Placing the right hand on top of the left hand, wrist and forearm. 2- Clasping the right hand over the left.
Is Shaving Chest Hair Prohibited?
With regard to shaving body hair in the case of a man, it is permissible according to the Malikis, and it was said that it is Sunnah. What is meant by the body is everything except the head.
Will Allah Forgive Me If I Repeat the Same Sin?
The Hadiths clearly state that even if the sin is repeated a hundred times or a thousand times or more, and one sincerely repents each time, Allah will accept his repentance and his sin will be erased.
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