New Answers
What is the ruling on one who does tayammum for janabah in the winter, even though hot water is available, out of ignorance, and does he have to make up those prayers?
Is it stipulated to rub the limbs when doing wudu?
How can they put a stop to their daughter’s friendship with a bad girl?
Ruling on making up educational dialogues
Ruling on praying behind an imam who moves a great deal during the prayer

Ramadan Selections
Taking pills to prevent period in the last ten days of Ramadaan
Dividing Qiyaam al-layl into two parts during the last ten days of Ramadan
Should he observe i’tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadaan by himself and not go back to his family and worship with them?
When should a person who is observing i’tikaaf during the last ten days of Ramadan enter i’tikaaf and exit from it?


- 70 Matters Related to FastingAllah has favoured His slaves with seasons of goodness in which rewards are multiplied, sins are erased and statuses are elevated.From the greatest of these seasons is the month of Ramadan which Allah has made an obligation upon His slaves, encouraged them regarding it and guided them to show gratitude to Him for this obligation. Seeing that this act of worship is of such great value, it is necessary that one learns the rulings pertaining to the month of fasting. This treatise contains a summary of the rulings of fasting, its etiquettes and sunnahs pertaining to it.
- Disallowed MattersThere are many things that have been prohibited in the Qur’aan and Sunnah, and it is very important for the Muslim to know about them so that he can keep away from them and thus avoid earning the wrath and anger of Allaah or bringing about his own doom in this world and the next. So I thought of compiling this list of prohibited things, in accordance with the hadeeth of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Religion is sincere advice (al-deen al-naseehah),”
- Dealing with Worries and StressIt is the nature of this worldly life that people will suffer from worries and stress, because this world is a place of calamity, hardship and pressure. Hence among the things that distinguish Paradise from this world is the fact that there is no worry or stress there. This essay discusses some remedies that Islam offers for stress.