New Answers
Selling gold in carpets when its amount is unknown
03/02/2025Is it valid to take back one’s wife before divorce happens, or to say, “Every time I divorce you, I take you back”?
02/02/2025The Sunnah is to make the grave deep, but is there a difference between the grave of a woman and the grave of a man?
01/02/2025Putting one’s hands and feet into a vessel containing water – is it sufficient for wudu?
Wetting the hand and passing it over the limb is not regarded as washing it; rather it is essential either to dip the limb in water or let the water flow over it when washing it outside the vessel.01/02/2025He vowed to fast for ten days if he passed his exams; does he have to fast them consecutively?
31/01/2025Her husband left some items with her that were taken unlawfully by force, and she used some of them and others are no longer usable. What should she do with them?
30/01/2025He only learned directly from books, and he does not think that there is a need to sit with da`iyahs and learn from them
29/01/2025It is prescribed to offer condolences from the time of death, and there is no set time for its end
28/01/2025Ruling on offering supplication out loud for a sick person and others saying Amin to his supplication
27/01/2025Ruling on racing homing pigeons for prizes or otherwise
The month of Sha‘baan
Is Fasting Most of Sha’ban Recommended?
It is recommended to fast a great deal in the month of Sha’ban. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to fast the whole of Sha’ban. For more, please see the detailed answer.
Fasting Al-Ayyam Al-Beed in Sha`ban
1- It is recommended to fast three days each month, and it is best to fast al-ayyam al-beed, which are the 13th, 14th and 15th of the month.
2- There is nothing wrong with you fasting three days in Sha’ban, even if some of those happen to be in the latter half of the month.Increased Deaths in the Month of Sha’ban
Fabricated Hadeeth About Praying Two Rak‘ahs Every Thursday During Sha‘ban