New Answers
What was narrated in al-Bukhari and Muslim about bliss in the grave
Can taking back one’s wife after divorce be valid by saying “I marry you,” or “Give yourself to me in marriage,” or by doing a marriage contract with her?
He lives in Jeddah and entered ihram for Hajj from Makkah
Ruling on tethering animals and detaining them in order to feed them and fatten them
What is the ruling on saying: I swear by the most solemn oath?
If he prays the regular sunnah prayer with the intention of greeting the mosque, will he attain the reward of two supererogatory prayers?
They are suffering because their children are rebelling and refusing to go to the government school
If water is changed by adding chlorine, is it no longer a means of purification?
Ruling on one who pronounces “ض” as “ظ” leading people in prayer
Ruling on branding animals on the face

Ramadan Selections
What Are the Sunnahs of Fasting?
Some Sunnahs of fasting:
1- If someone reviles you, respond to him by saying ‘I am fasting.’
2- Eating Suhur.
3- Hastening to break the fast and delaying Suhur.
4- Breaking the fast with fresh dates.
5- Saying this du`a when breaking your fast: ‘Dhahaba al-zama-u wa abtalat al-‘uruqu wa thabata al-ajr in sha Allah.’
6- Offering a lot of du`a.Fasting while Traveling: Permissible?
The majority of scholars view that fasting whilst traveling is permissible. If the traveler fasts, it counts and he does not have to make it up. For more, please see the detailed answer
Do Bleeding Gums Break Fast?
The blood that comes out from between the teeth does not invalidate the fast, whether it comes out by itself or because of another person hitting him.
Taking Medication While Fasting
Eye drops, ear drops, ear syringing, nose drops and nasal sprays do not invalidate the fast so long as one avoids swallowing any material that may reach the throat.