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“Why Did you Become Muslim”?

Question: 103524

One of the guys at work was asking me why I became Muslim and I told him it is the path I must follow. I don’t know sometimes what I should say, for me it is the path I must follow. What can I say to someone; I don’t want to push what I believe, so how should I answer someone if asked, what is the right way to answer the questions? Sometimes I feel I don’t give the right answers … Any clues as to what I can say?

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.


We ask Allah to
accept your Islam and to make you steadfast in adhering to the truth, and to
guide you to that which He loves and which pleases Him. 

You should
understand that you have followed the right path, and that Islam is the
religion of sound human nature (al-fitrah), the religion of security and
happiness. This is felt by everyone who belongs to this great religion, but
it is felt most by those who were drowning in the darkness of ignorance,
misguidance and disbelief. The one who utters the shahadatayn (testimony of
faith) feels something in his heart that cannot be described to anyone;
hence most of them are overcome with tears of joy and happiness. Undoubtedly
Allah has given Islam a flavour and has given faith sweetness. This is what
is stated in the texts of our religion. This flavour and sweetness is tasted
by everyone who believes in Allah as his Lord, Islam as his religion, and
Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) as his Prophet. 


The one whom Allah
honours by bringing him into Islam may have reasons for entering it that no
one else has, and he may see aspects in it that no one else sees. That is
because of the greatness of this religion, and the many aspects of good that
there are in it, and the fact that it is suitable for all classes of people,
in all environments and all cultures. Hence a person who enters this great
religion may mention reasons for doing so that no one else usually mentions,
but all of them are correct answers that speak of their reality and the
reality of Islam itself. You can read some of these answers and benefit from
them. We would like you to tell us your own feelings and the reason why you
entered this religion, because it tells us about your situation and you are
best able to express that. 

There is no reason
why we should not mention some of the reasons why other people have become
Muslim; there may be something in common between you and them. 


A Bedouin was
asked: Why did you become Muslim? He said: I have never seen any word or
deed that reason regards as good or sound human nature (al-fitrah) indicates
is right but Islam encourages it and enjoins it and the Lord of Glory
permits it. And I have never seen anything that reason sees as bad and sound
human nature indicates is wrong, but Allah prohibits it and forbids it to
His slaves. 


Robert Dixon, the
head of the American Lawyers’ Association, said: My answer to the one who
asks me why I became Muslim is: Islam is the religion of monotheism,
happiness, peace of mind and dignified living, if I adhere to it and apply
its teachings. It is the religion of divine justice. 


Muhammad Asad, the
Austrian politician and author, said: It was not any particular teaching
that attracted me, but the whole wonderful, inexplicably coherent structure
of moral teaching and practical life programme.  


Sylvie Fawzy, a
French lady who became Muslim, said: In Islam I found a way of life that
answers all questions and organizes man’s life in a way that benefits him
and is suited to his nature, with regard to his clothing, his food, his
work, his marriage, his choices in life, and his relationship with others.
So it comes as no surprise that the one who adheres to Islam feels content
and secure, which in my opinion are the most important factors in life. 


Umm ‘Abd al-Malik,
an American Muslim woman, said: I was amazed by the way in which Islam
raised the status of parents. 


Al-Shaykh Muhammad
ibn Ibraheem (may Allah have mercy on him) said: An Indian philosopher
studied the history of all religions, and he conducted an independent,
fair-minded study. He studied Christianity at length, because of the power,
influence and prominence in the arts and industry of the nations that claim
to be Christian. Then he examined Islam, and realized that it is the true
religion, and he became Muslim, and he wrote a book in English called “Why I
became Muslim,” in which he described what he saw as the advantages of Islam
over other religions, one of the most important of which was: Islam is the
only religion that has a true, preserved history. The one who follows it
knows that this is the religion that was brought by Muhammad ibn ‘Abd-Allah,
the unlettered Arab Prophet who is buried in Madeenah al-Munawwarah in
Arabia. He was astonished that Europe would allow itself to follow a
religion which raised the one after whom it is named from the status of a
human being and made him into a god, when they know little of his history.
The origin of these four Gospels is not proven, and their dates and authors
are not known for sure. They only mention a few events of the history of
Christ which happened – as they say – within a few days, and they do not
mention anything much about this man’s upbringing, education, childhood or
youth. But Allah decrees what He wills.  

Fatawa al-Shaykh
Muhammad ibn Ibraheem


Yusuf Khattab – a
convert from Judaism to Islam – said, when he was asked why he had become
Muslim: Because Islam is the religion of monotheism. I read a great deal
about it and finally I was convinced that it is the way to Paradise. 

There are many
words, which may be summed up as saying that Islam is the religion of sound
human nature (al-fitrah), security, happiness, wise rulings, and lofty
morals. Whoever compares Islam with other, distorted religions or human
systems and laws will clearly see the difference, and that there is no room
for comparison at all. 


Mary Watson – an
American woman with three academic degrees, one of which is in theology –
describes the moment when the light of faith shone into her heart: I felt
one night, as I was lying in my bed about to fall asleep, that something
strange had settled in my heart. I sat up and said: O Lord, I believe in You
alone, and I uttered the shahadah (testimony of faith), and after that I
felt peace and tranquility envelop my entire body. Praise be to Allah for
Islam; I have never regretted that day which I consider to be the day of my

End quote. 

We advise you to
read the book Islam and the World: 
The Rise and Decline of Muslims and its Effect on Mankind, by Shaykh Abul
Hasan al-Nadvi and Islam at the Crossroads and The Road to Makkah by Prof.
Muhammad Asad. All three books are available in English.  

We also advise you
to read true stories of people who have been guided to the Straight Path and
have submitted to Allah. These stories explain how they were guided and what
their first steps towards Islam were. You will find them by following this

We ask Allah to
make you steadfast in adhering to the truth and to help you to acquire
beneficial knowledge and to do righteous deeds. 

And Allah is the
Source of strength.

And Allah knows


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