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Will getting married to someone who is possessed affect the children in the future?

Question: 180726

A.a am thinking of getting married but I have not settled on anyone yet.I have a cousin who am considering but she has a jin in her,so my question. Is can it affect a marriage and is it possible to get out of her and can it affect the children insha-Allah and what does the prophet saw say about such a marriage.

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.


The fact that a jinni can
possess a human and enter his body and cause seizures is proven according to
the Qur’an and Sunnah and scholarly consensus. 

But no such thing can happen
except by Allah’s leave. 


Being possessed by a jinni and
having seizures as a result is not an impediment to marriage, but the one
who is affected by that must inform a prospective spouse of it, because
having these seizures is a defect which should be disclosed as it has an
impact on some of the basic aims of marriage. 

See also the answers to
questions no. 135785 and


Such situations may have an
impact on the marriage as the husband may not have the patience to put up
with this problem that affects his wife, and that may lead him to dislike
interacting with her, so he will not treat her kindly or interact with her
in a reasonable manner as enjoined by Allah. 

But with regard to the impact of
the jinni that is possessing her on the marriage and on married life, that
impact will be affected by the degree of their faith and patience. If a
person’s faith is strong, the Shaytaan will have no way to affect them, as
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, says (interpretation of the

“Verily! He has no power over
those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord (Allah).

His power is only over those who
obey and follow him (Satan), and those who join partners with Him (Allah)
(i.e. those who are Mushrikoon – polytheists)”

[an-Nahl 16:99-100]. 

And Allah, may He be exalted,
says (interpretation of the meaning):

“ ‘And Istafziz (literally
means: befool them gradually) those whom you can among them with your voice
(i.e. songs, music, and any other call for Allahs disobedience), make
assaults on them with your cavalry and your infantry, mutually share with
them wealth and children (by tempting them to earn money by illegal ways
usury, etc., or by committing illegal sexual intercourse, etc.), and make
promises to them.” But Satan promises them nothing but deceit.

‘Verily! My slaves (i.e the true
believers of Islamic Monotheism), you have no authority over them. And
All-Sufficient is your Lord as a Guardian’”

[al-Isra’ 17:64, 65]. 

But if a person’s faith is weak,
the Shaytaan will toy with him as children play with a ball. 


The possession and what may
result from it of seizures is a test for which Allah will reward the one who
is tested with it, so patience will bring the greatest reward. 

Al-Bukhaari (5652) and Muslim
(2576) narrated that ‘Ata’ ibn Abi Rabaah said: The Messenger of Allah
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: Ibn ‘Abbaas said to me:
Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise? I said: Yes. He said:
This black woman came to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon
him) and said: I have epilepsy and I become uncovered. Pray to Allah for me.
He said: “If you wish, you may be patient, and
Paradise will be
yours, or if you wish, I will pray to Allah to heal you.” She said: I will
be patient. She said: But I become uncovered; pray to Allah that I will not
become uncovered. So he prayed for her. 

An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy
on him) said:

This indicates that the one who
suffers from seizures will be granted the highest reward for it. End quote
from Sharh Muslim (132/16) 

Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy
on him) said:

Al-Bazzaar narrated a similar
story from Ibn ‘Abbaas with a different isnaad, according to which she said:
“I am afraid that the evil one may cause me to become uncovered.” It may be
understood from some of the different versions of the hadeeth that what she
was suffering from was the kind of seizures caused by the jinn and not that
which results from dysfunction in the brain.”

End quote from Fath al-Baari


It is possible to treat this
woman and expel the jinni from her, by Allah’s leave and by His strength and
power, may He be glorified, for the Shaytaan is weak and he has no power
over any believer, man or woman; rather it is harm that Allah may decree for
whomever He will among His slaves, and for the believing men and women it is
mercy and expiation, and will raise them in status. 

The best means of treating this
problem is to recite Qur’an over the one who is afflicted and to perform
ruqyah by reciting the du‘aa’s that have been narrated (from the Prophet
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), and regularly reciting the
prescribed wird and dhikr from the Qur’an, and that will disappear, by
Allah’s leave. 

Al-Haafiz said: 

The hadeeth indicates that
treating all diseases with du‘aa’ and turning to Allah is more beneficial
and more efficacious than treating them with medications, because the effect
of that is greater than the effect of physical medicine. But it is only
efficacious in two cases: (i) if the sick person is sincere and (ii) if the
one who treats him is strong in terms of piety and putting his trust in

End quote from Fath al-Baari

See the answer to question no.
1819 and 105336


What we advise you to do is not
to be hasty with regard to this marriage. Look at your own situation and
that of the girl; if you think it most likely that you can put up with this
situation, and that you will be patient with her, especially after having
found out about her situation from those who know her or who have treated
her, and the girl is good in terms of religious commitment and character,
then put your trust in Allah and propose to her, especially since you have
ties of kinship with her and it is more appropriate that you should care for
her and be patient with her, in  sha Allah,. 

But if you know that you will
not be able to bear it with patience, and it might be difficult for you to
have a lasting relationship with her, then it is better not to get involved
in this marriage, and there is no need for you to open the door to something
that you might not be able to bear, or to shut that door again. 

See also the answer to question
no. 158489

And Allah knows best.


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