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Freemasonry and ruling on joining the Masons

Question: 34576

What is Freemasonry, and what is the ruling on it in Islam? What is the ruling on joining the Masons?.

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

Freemasonry is a secret political society whose goal is to
put an end to all religions and good morals, and to replace them with
man-made laws and non-religious systems. It strives to provoke ongoing
revolutions and to replace one regime with another, on the basis of its call
for freedom of thought and freedom of belief. This is what they have stated

This is what was announced by one of them in the Students’
Conference held in 1865 CE in the city of Liege which is considered to be
one of the centers of Freemasonry. He said: 

Man must prevail over God, and declare war on Him. He should
demolish the heavens and tear them like paper. 

It says in the Masonic Grand Lodge (1922, p. 98): We will
strengthen the freedom of individual thought with all the powers at our
disposal, and we will declare war against the real enemy of man, which is

The Masons say that Masonry takes the human soul as its
object of worship. 

They say:  It is not enough for us to prevail over the
religious people and their places of worship, rather our basic goal is to
wipe them out of existence. 

Minutes of the World Masonic Conference, 1903 CE, p. 102. 

They say: Freemasonry will take the place of religion and its
Lodges will take the place of places of worship… and there are many other
statements which clearly point to the intensity of their enmity towards
religion and their uncompromising war on religion. 

The Freemasons are one of the most ancient secret societies
which still exist and its origins are still unknown to many people and are
still unknown to many of their members, because the plots of their leaders
are very secret and hidden and they are so keen to conceal their plots and
aims. Therefore most of their affairs are conducted verbally, with no
written record. 

When they want to write an idea or announce it to the public,
it is first subjected to the scrutiny of Masonic censors who decide whether
it may be released or not.  The foundations of Freemasonry were based on
theories taken from several sources, mostly from Jewish traditions. 

This is supported by the fact that Jewish ideas and teachings
were taken as the basis for the founding of the Grand Lodge in 1717 CE with
its principles and symbols. The Masons still venerate the Jew Hiram and the
temple that he built, from which they take the design of the Masonic lodges
in the world. The greatest Masonic leaders are Jews and form the backbone of
the Masonic movement, and they are the ones who represent Jewish
organizations in Masonic lodges. It is to them that the spread of Masonry
and global cooperation between Freemasons is to be attributed. They are the
driving force behind Freemasonry and this Jewish elite are leading different
secret cells, running their affairs and directing them secretly as they
wish. This is supported by a report in the Masonic Acacia magazine
(1908, issue no. 66) which says that there is no Masonic lodge that is free
of Jews and that all the Jews do not follow one way or another exclusively,
rather there are only principles for them to follow. And this is also the
case with the Masons. Hence the Jewish synagogues are our [Masons’] support
and we find many Jews among the Freemasons. 

This is also supported by what it says in the Masonic
publications: that the Jews are certain that the best means of destroying
religion is Freemasonry. The history of the Masons is similar to the history
of the Jews in belief. Their symbol is the six-pointed Star of David. The
Jews and the Freemasons both consider themselves to be the spiritual sons of
the builders of the Temple of Solomon. The Freemasonry which distorts other
religions lends full support to Judaism and its followers. The Jews took
advantage of people’s simple-mindedness and good intentions, and infiltrated
Freemasonry and reached high positions within it, thus they breathed a
Jewish spirit into the Masonic lodges and subjugated them to their own

One of the clearest indications of their intense desire to
conceal their plans to destroy religions and provoke political revolutions
is what it says in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, where it says: we
will concentrate these cells under a single leadership that is known to us
alone. This leadership will be composed of our scholars and these cells will
have special representatives, so that the true location of our leadership
will be concealed. This leadership alone will have the right to decide who
will speak, and to draw up the plans of the day. In these cells we will plan
to lay traps for all the socialists and classes of revolutionary society.
Most of the secret political plans are known to us and we will decide when
to implement them. But the agents of the international secret police will be
members of these cells. When the conspiracies start throughout the world,
that will mean that one of our most dedicated agents will be at the head of
these conspiracies and of course we will be the only people to direct the
Masonic plans. We are the only people who know how to direct them and we
know the ultimate goal of each action, whilst the illiterates – meaning
non-Jews – are ignorant of most of these things, especially Masonry, and
they can only see the immediate results of what they are doing. 

And there is other evidence which points to the strong
connection between the Jews and the Masons, and the cooperation between the
two parties in revolutionary conspiracies and stirring up destructive
movements. Even though Freemasonry outwardly appears to be a call to freedom
of belief, tolerance and social reform in general, in fact it is really a
call for permissiveness and destructive factors which cause social
disintegration and the loosening of bonds between nations and destruction of
religion and morals and the spread of mischief. 

Based on this, any Muslim who joins a Masonic group knowing
the true nature of Freemasonry and its secrets, and carries out its rituals
and is keen to do so, is a kaafir who should be asked to repent. If he
repents, all well and good, otherwise he is to be put to death and if he
dies in that state then his recompense will be that of the kaafirs. Whoever
joins the Freemasons but does not know what they really are, or know about
their plots against Islam and the Muslims, and their spreading evil and the
evil that they are planning against everyone who tries to bring people
together and reform nations, and he joins them in their general activities
and talk that does not apparently contradict Islam, is not a kaafir, rather
he is excused in general because of their concealing their true nature from
him, and because he does not share their basic beliefs or aims. The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Acts are but by
intentions, and each man will have but that which he intended.” 

But he must disavow himself of them when he finds out what
they really are, and he must tell people about their real nature and strive
to spread their secrets and their plots against the Muslims, so that this
will cause a scandal for them and will undermine their efforts. The Muslim
should surround himself with good people who will cooperate with him in his
religious and worldly affairs. He should be far-sighted in choosing close
friends so that he will be safe from being tempted by these apparently
attractive ideas and  be safe from the evil consequences of honeyed words,
and so he will not fall into the traps of the people of shirk which they set
up to ensnare those who are easily deceived, follow their whims and desires
and are weak in reasoning. 

From Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 2/312-315.


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