I am in sixth grade and am studying Islam. I am currently working on a report on the Arabian coffee ceremonies, and want to know more about the subject.
Drinking coffee is a custom and not from the laws of Islam. If drinking coffee in excess becomes dangerous to the individual, then Islam prohibits it. There are no ceremonies in Islam for coffee drinking nor is drinking coffee from the particular customs of the Muslims, since Muslims as well as non-Muslims drink coffee.
There are however specific manners in the Islamic law concerning drinking in general.
From amongst them are the following:
To say Bismillah before you begin to drink.
Drinking at least three sips or more and not drinking the entire drink at once.
The person giving the drink to others should drink last.
The person passing out the drinks should start on his right hand side when distributing the drinks.
An individual should not drink from the pitcher, but instead pour some of the drink into a dish or cup, and then drink.
A person should not drink from gold or silver dishes.
Your question, dear young man, and the information you provided indicates that you are without a religion and this is wrong because the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) stated that you were born as a Muslim and that this is your origin as well as others besides you. This is the case, until something happens to change that, such as other incorrect religions like Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, or Magianism. Return back to your true origin, read about Islam, and establish prayer. I see that you have sufficient wit and intelligence to know the truth and implement it.
I ask Allah to guide you and open your heart to Islam.
And Allah knows best.