month of Rajab
Is ‘Umrah in Rajab Recommended?
There is no report from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blesisngs be upon him) to suggest that there is any particular virtue in performing ‘Umrah in Rajab, or that it is encouraged. For more, please see the detailed answer.
Is Salat al-Raghaib Sunnah?
Salat al-Raghaib is a bid`ah that has been introduced in Rajab. It is done on the night of the first Friday in Rajab, between Maghrib and `Isha, and is preceded by fasting on the first Thursday of Rajab.
Is Fasting in the Month of Rajab Recommended?
There is no sound hadith to indicate that there is any special virtue in fasting in Rajab. But there is a report from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) which indicates that it is recommended to fast during the sacred months. For more, please see the detailed answer.
Does Wearing Silver Rings in Rajab Get You Closer to Allah?
It is permissible in Islam for men and women to wear silver rings. There is no basis for the belief that wearing silver rings in Rajab will get one closer to Allah.
The hadith “Whoever says in Rajab ‘I ask Allah for forgiveness, there is no god but He’…” is fabricated and is not saheeh
Is “Allahumma Ballighna Ramadan” Authentically Reported?
There is no authentic hadith about the virtue of Rajab. The hadith which reads: “Allhumma barik lana fi Rajab wa Sha’ban wa ballighna Ramadan” is weak. However, there is nothing wrong if a Muslim asks Allah to let him reach Ramadan. For more, please see the detailed answer.
Why Is Rajab Separate from Other Sacred Months?
The sacred months are Dhu’l-Qa‘dah, Dhu’l-Hijjah, Muharram and Rajab. Some of the scholars have stated that the wisdom behind Rajab being separate from the other sacred months was to enable the Arabs to do ‘umrah in the middle of the year, and that the consecutive months for the purpose of Hajj.
Virtues of the Month of Rajab
• One of the most important things is to prepare for doing righteous deeds before the month of Ramadan. The scholars designated the month of Rajab as the start of the preparations for the month of Ramadan.
• It is as if the year is a tree; its leaves begin to appear in the month of Rajab, its fruit begins to appear in the month of Sha`ban, and the people pick its fruit during the month of Ramadan.
• So the individual should prepare himself by doing righteous deeds in Rajab, and pay extra attention to making them perfect in Sha`ban, so that he will be able to do them in a perfect manner in Ramadan.