Rabee’ al-Awwal selections
Response to those who regard some innovated matters as good, such as celebrating the Prophet’s birthday (Mawlid)
Fasting on Prophet Muhammad’s Birthday: Permissible?
Singling out one day of the year for fasting, in celebration of Mawlid al-Nabi (the birth of Prophet Muhamamd), is an innovation (bid‘ah) that is contrary to the Sunnah of the Prophet. For more, see the detailed answer.
What Is the Date of Prophet Muhammad’s Birth and Death?
1. The biographers and historians differed concerning the day and month of the birth of the Prophet.
2. The strongest opinion concerning the birth of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is that he was born between the eighth and the twelfth of Rabee‘ al-Awwal in the Year of the Elephant.
3. The most well-known view is that the death of the Prophet occurred on 12th Rabee‘ al-Awwal 11 AH.Ruling on celebrating the birthday of the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) without any singing or other haram things
Rabi` al-Awwal: Should We Congratulate Each Other When It Starts?
We do not know of any source for the hadith which reads: “Whoever offers congratulations to people for this blessed month (i.e. Rabi` al-Awwal), the Fire will be forbidden for him”, and it is clearly fabricated.
Celebrating the Mawlid is a legitimate act of worship according to those who regard it as mustahabb
Eating food that is distributed on the Prophet’s Birthday (Mawlid)
Reading Quran together, giving good deeds to the dead, and al-Mawlid al-Nabawi (celebrating the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him))
How should he deal with his family who celebrate the Prophet’s birthday (Mawlid) and make comments about him because he does not join them?
Buying Sweets on Mawlid al-Nabi: Permissible?
1- Celebrating Mawlid al-Nabi (Prophet Muhammad’s birthday) is an innovation.
2- Buying sweets on Mawlid al-Nabi comes under the heading of helping and propagating the celebration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday; rather it is a kind of establishing that festival or ‘Eid. So it is better for you not to do that on the day of the celebration.The bid‘ah (innovation) of encouraging billions of salawaat upon the Messenger of Allah on the occasion of the Mawlid (Prophet’s Birthday)
Are Family Gatherings on the Prophet’s Birthday and ‘Ashura Permissible?
Exchanging visits and getting together on the ‘Eids and happy occasions, is something that brings happiness and increases love and strengthens the bonds between relatives. But what happens in many of these family gatherings, such as mixing between men and women, even if they are relatives and cousins, are bad customs that go against the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah.
Celebrating innovated festivals
Celebrating the Mawlid and other occasions, and offering food on these occasions