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It is permissible for a woman to breastfeed her child before doing ghusl

Question: 12454

If a woman has not yet done ghusul can she breast feed her child?

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

It is permissible for a women to breastfeed her child
before doing ghusl, whether it is ghusl after nifaas, menstruation or
sexual relations. There is no evidence to indicate that she must do
ghusl in these cases in order to breastfeed her child. Rather ghusl
is obligatory in cases of impurity in order to pray or to do any act
of worship for which tahaarah (purity) is required. The woman who is
bleeding following childbirth or menstruating must do ghusl when the
nifaas or period ends in order to do those acts of worship and also
so that it may become permissible for her husband to have intercourse
with her. It is not haraam for the woman who is menstruating or bleeding
following childbirth to touch anything during her period or nifaas,
except for the Mushaf (copy of the Qur’aan in Arabic only). And Allaah
knows best.


Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

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