It is now the end of the (academic) year and we are looking forward to the end of term exams, and the summer with its many courses of study, as you know. Can we ask you for some advice from you to the students in this university?
My advice to the young people is as follows:
Make use of the break to seek Islamic knowledge which is lacking in this university; uphold the ties of kinship which you have missed out on because you have been far away from your families; be active in calling your neighbours, relatives and kinsfolk to Islam, as you have missed out on that by being far away in the university residence.
Keep in touch with good people – “And keep yourself (O Muhammad) patiently with those who call on their Lord (i.e. your companions who remember their Lord with glorification, praising in prayers, and other righteous deeds) morning and afternoon” [al-Kahf 18:28 – interpretation of the meaning]. Do not lose touch with them during the break. It may be useful to take part in programs even if that is with other good people in the area to which you will go if you do not have any of the good people from the university to be with.
Beware of haram things such as traveling to places of immorality or the lands of kufr, or watching haram channels.
We ask Allah to grant you and us strength.