Inviting others to Islam
Is it permissible to make a human voice using AI to recite the Quran, and is there reward in that?
- 2,013
How to deal with a Shi‘i who is not seen to practice any innovation (bid‘ah)
- 8,998
What is the ruling on using memes for the purpose of calling people to Islam (da‘wah)?
- 36,296
Character of the daa‘iyah
- 35,750
Is it permissible to pray in a mosque where the ground floor is controlled by the Shi‘ah and the Sunnis control the upper floor?
- 30,244
Comments on the ban on the hijab and niqab in some countries, and the ruling on non-Muslim women being uncovered in Muslim countries
- 10,779
He rented a floor in his building for an Islamic centre, and they hold Friday prayers there and cause inconvenience to others
- 13,285
What is the ruling on paying membership fees to Islamic societies and centres in Western countries?
- 21,762
Ruling on sending Qur’aanic verses by text message or e-mail
- 32,517
She has recently become Muslim and she wants to keep her dog