Can you please verify if the following is a Hadith or not. 18 answers of Prophet Pbuh. A traveller came to Prophet Pbuh and asked Can you please tell if below is an authentic Hadith? Its a forwarded message with no reference. We will all appreciate if please take your precious time out for this.
*A traveler* once came to the masjid to see the *Prophet Muhammad* (S.A.W) after greeting the *Prophet* (S.A.W), he was asked where he was from. The *traveler* replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the *traveler* and the *Prophet* (saw).
*Traveler* : I do not want adhaab (punishments) to be written in my account. *Prophet* : Behave well with your parents *Traveler* : I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person. *Prophet* : Fear Allah (Jalla Jalalu),always. *Traveler* : I want to be counted amongst Allahs favourites. *Prophet* : Recite Quran every morning and evening. *Traveler* : I want my heart to always be enlightened. *Prophet* : Never forget death. *Traveler* : I never want to be away from Allah's blessing. *Prophet* : Always treat fellow creatures well. *Traveler* : I never want to be harmed by my enemies. *Prophet* : Always have faith in Allah.(Only) *Traveler* : I never want to be humiliated. *Prophet* : Be careful of your actions. *Traveler* : I wish to live long. *Prophet* : Always do Goodness towards blood Relations
No sound chain of narration is known for this report. What appears to be the case is that it is a collection and compilation of the meanings of several well-known hadiths and reports.
This report is similar to the fabricated report that is widely circulated among people – perhaps it is the same report, but some of the phrases have been changed because of the many narrations that it has undergone. This report says:
It was narrated that Khaalid ibn al-Waleed said: A Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allah, I have come to ask you what I need of things that will benefit me this world and the hereafter. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Ask whatever you like.” He said: I want to be the most knowledgeable of people. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him said: “Fear Allah; you will be the most knowledgeable of people.” He said: I want to be the wealthiest of people. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Be content; you will be the wealthiest of people.” He said: I want to be the most special of people to Allah. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Remember Allah a great deal; you will be the most special of people to Allah.” He said: I want to perfect my faith. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Make your attitude good; you will perfect your faith.” He said: I want to be among the doers of good. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you do not see Him, He sees you.” He said I want to be among the obedient. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Fulfil the obligatory duties towards Allah; you will be among the obedient.” He said: I want to meet Allah free of sin. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Do ghusl following janaabah; you will meet Allah free of sin.” He said: I want to be gathered on the Day of Resurrection in light. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not wrong yourself and do not wrong other people; you will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection in light.” He said: I want my Lord to show mercy to me on the Day of Resurrection. The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Show mercy to yourself and show mercy to the creation of Allah; your Lord will show you mercy on the Day of Resurrection”… It is a lengthy story.
Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked about it and he replied:
This hadith was narrated in Kanz al-‘Ummaal in a different version from that which is mentioned here. Its text, as it is narrated in the 16th section/volume of Kanz al-‘Ummal (no. 44154) is as follows:
Shaykh Jalaal ad-Deen as-Suyooti (may Allah have mercy on him) said: I found written in the handwriting of Shaykh Shams ad-Deen ibn al-Qammaah, in a collection of his, a report narrated from Abu’l-‘Abbaas al-Mustaghfiri, who said: I went to Egypt, intending to seek knowledge from Imam Abu Haamid al-Misri, and I asked him about the hadith of Khaalid ibn al-Waleed. He instructed me to fast for one year, then I asked him about it again, and he told me, with his isnaad from his shaykhs going back to Khaalid ibn al-Waleed, who said: A man came to the Prophet ( blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) and said: I am going to ask you about matters of this world and the hereafter. He said: “Ask about whatever you like.” He said: O Prophet of Allah, I want to be the most knowledgeable of people. He said: “Fear Allah; you will be the most knowledgeable of people.” He said: I want to be the wealthiest of people. He said: “Be content; you will be the wealthiest of people.” He said: I want to be the best of people. He said: “The best of people are those who benefit the people, so be one who benefits them.” He said: I want to be the most just of people. He said: “Love for the people what you love for yourself; you will be the most just of people.” He said: I want to be the most special of the people to Allah, may He be exalted. He said: “Remember Allah a great deal; you will be the most special of people to Allah, may He be exalted.” He said: I want to be among the doers of good. He said: “Worship Allah as if you see Him, for if you do not see Him, He sees you.” He said: I want to perfect my faith. He said: “Make your attitude good; you will perfect your faith.” He said: I want to be among the obedient. He said: “Fulfil the obligatory duties towards Allah; you will be among the obedient.” He said: I want to meet Allah free of sin. He said: “Do ghusl following janaabah to purify yourself; you will meet Allah on the Day of Resurrection with no sin on you.” He said: I want to be gathered on the Day of Resurrection in light. He said: “Do not wrong other people; you will be gathered on the Day of Resurrection in light.” He said: I want my Lord to show mercy to me. He said: “Show mercy to yourself and show mercy to the creation of Allah; Allah will show mercy to you.” He said I want my sins to be less. He said: “Seek the forgiveness of Allah; your sins will be less.” He said: I want to be the noblest of the people. He said: “Do not complain about Allah to the people; you will be the noblest of people.” He said I want to be granted abundant provision. He said: “Remain in a state of purity; you will be granted abundant provision.” He said: I want to be among the beloved of Allah and His Messenger. He said: “Love what Allah and His Messenger love, and hate what Allah and His Messenger hate.” He said: I want to be safe from the wrath of Allah. He said: “Do not get angry with anyone; you will be safe from the anger and wrath of Allah.” He said: I want my supplication to be answered. He said: “Avoid what is haraam; your supplication will be answered.” He said: I want that Allah should not expose me to shame before the witnesses. He said: “Guard your chastity lest you be exposed to shame before the witnesses.” He said: I want Allah to conceal my faults. He said: “Conceal the faults of your brothers; Allah will conceal your faults.” He said: What will ward off the wrath of the Most Merciful? He said: “Concealing your charity and upholding ties of kinship.” He said: What will extinguish the fire of Hell? He said: “Fasting.”
From Kanz al-Ummaal (p. 127-129).
The hadith mentioned here is fabricated and its narrators are ignorant people. It is as if the one who fabricated it compiled its text from several saheeh hadiths and the words of some scholars. Some of its phrases are ojectionable and are not in harmony with shar‘i evidence.
Undoubtedly the parts of this hadith that are sound can be found in some sound hadiths. However this text cannot be relied upon or quoted as evidence, because it does not have any sound (saheeh) isnaad. And Allah is the source of strength.
End quote from Majmoo‘ Fataawa ash-Shaykh Ibn Baaz (26/324-326)