Da'eef (weak) hadiths
Did the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) swim in a well in Madinah when he was a child?
- 2,106
“Daughters are good deeds and sons are blessings; good deeds will be rewarded and blessings will be asked about” – how sound is this hadith and what does it mean?
Is There a Specific Du`a for Each Day and Night of Ramadan?
Singling out the first third of Ramadan to make Du`a for mercy, the second third to make Du`a for forgiveness and the last third to make Du`a for ransom from Hell is an innovation for which there is no basis in Islamic teachings. There is also no justification for singling out these times for these Du`as, because all the days of Ramadan are equal in that regard. Rather the Muslim may make Du`a for whatever he wants of goodness in this world and the hereafter throughout Ramadan; that includes asking Allah for mercy, forgiveness, ransom from the Fire and admission to Paradise.103,152Should the supplication for hearing thunder be repeated if the thunder is continuous?
There is nothing wrong with repeating this dhikr – “Subhan alladhi yusabbih ur-ra‘du bi hamdihi wa’l-mala’ikatu min kheefatihi (Glory be to the One Whom the thunder glorifies and praises, and the angels [also glorify Him] out of fear and awe of Him” – when hearing thunder more than once.7,715- 1,997
“Young people are sparks of fire” is not a hadith
- 13,712
Is there a specific supplication for protection against a sudden death?
- 10,148
Is the hadith “There is no prayer for one who is suppressing the urge to relieve himself” sahih?
- 3,007
A fabricated hadith which mentions praying two rak‘ahs and giving the reward thereof to one’s parents
- 3,375
Is the report which encourages reciting Soorat al-Ikhlaas on 'Ashura saheeh?
- 5,761
Is it valid to pray that the angels will offer supplication for a person if he repents, and the angels will say: O Allah, make him rejoice as he has made us rejoice?