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Ruling on go-betweens

Question: 26801

What is the ruling on go-betweens, and is that haraam? For example, if I want to get a job, or enter a school, and so on, and I use the services of a go-between, what is the ruling on that?

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

Firstly: if the services of a person who intercedes on your
behalf with regard to a job will result in a person who is more deserving of
that position because of his qualifications and his ability to do the job in
a more precise manner being deprived of it, then that intercession is
haraam, because it is injustice against one who is more deserving of it, and
it is unfair to the person who is in charge of that work because it is
depriving him of the services of one who is more qualified and better able
to help them advance in this area of life. This is also an injustice against
the ummah because it is depriving it of one who could serve the ummah and
direct its affairs in this field in the best possible manner. Moreover it
generates resentment and suspicion, and corrupts society. But if this
intercession does not result in infringement of anyone’s rights then it is
permissible, and indeed it is encouraged by sharee’ah and the one who
intercedes will be rewarded, in sha Allaah. It was proven that the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Intercede, and you
will be rewarded, and Allaah decrees what He wills on the lips of His
Messenger.” (al-Bukhaari, 1342). 

Secondly: schools, institutes and universities are public resources of the ummah, in which they can learn that which will benefit them in their spiritual and worldly affairs. No one in the ummah is more entitled to it than anyone else except on the basis of some consideration other than intercession on his behalf. If the intercessor knows that his intercession will result in someone who is more entitled because of his qualifications, age or because he submitted his application first, etc, being deprived, then his intercession is not allowed, because it will result in injustice against the one who is deprived or is forced to go to a school that is further away, so it will become difficult for him, because that will generate resentment and will corrupt society. May Allaah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.


Al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, Fataawa Islamiyyah, 4/300

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