I saw a fatwa from Shaykh Muhammad stating that it is haram to use vocal effects in da`wah clips. We are a group working for a da’wah channel (aimed at calling people to Islam), and we prepare video clips in which there are vocal effects, but we have not posted them yet. These vocal effects are in video recordings of verses from the Holy Quran, hadiths of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), and the words of Shaykh al-Huwayni; we put these vocal effects in the gaps only. Is it haram to do it in this manner? If it is haram, what should we put instead?
It is haram to use music and musical instruments – except the daff (hand drum). That includes making rhythms and effects with the human voice that resemble the sounds of musical instruments.
This has been explained previously in several answers. See, for example, the answers to questions no. 5000, 91142 and 107570.
Vocal effects do not come under the ruling on music if they remain in their natural form.
But it is not permissible to use them as background to recitation of the Quran, because that is contrary to the required respect and veneration of the Quran.
But if those effects are enhanced by the use of modern tools and sound effects to the point that they resemble singing and sound like musical instruments, then in that case they come under the ruling on music.
As for using them in the gaps and pauses between the recitation and exhortation, and the like, at the very least that is disliked (makruh). It is not part of our religion to vocalize and make sounds akin to grieving, as is the practice of those who follow innovation.
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Mukhtar ash-Shinqiti issued a fatwa which disallows using vocal effects in clips of exhortation; please refer to this fatwa.
As for alternatives, it should be limited to recitation, quotation of hadiths and beneficial exhortation; that is sufficient, praise be to Allah.
And Allah knows best.