What is the ruling on Sajdat al-Tilaawah? Should it be followed with Tasleem (saying salaam) or not when a person is reciting Quran but is not praying? What should he say in this sujood? If he is praying and the Sajdat al-Tilaawah comes at the end of a soorah, should he recite a little more of the soorah afterwards or should he do rukoo’ straightaway?
Sajdat al-Tilaawah is Sunnah, and there is no text to indicate that one should say salaam afterwards, so the person who does sajdat al-tilaawah does not have to say salaam. The person who does sajdat al-tilaawah at the end of a soorah like Al-A’raaf, Al-Najm or Iqraa’ whilst he is praying does not have to recite more Quran afterwards and before doing rukoo’, but if he does do that there is nothing wrong with it. In his sujood for reciting Quran he says what he says in his sujood when he prays.