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Reviling the Religion of a Muslim

Question: 79067

Is expiation required of one who reviles a Muslim, such as saying to a Muslim “May the religion of your mother be cursed” [an Arabic form of insulting or cursing]?

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

Reviling the faith or the religion or Islam is major kufr (disbelief),
according to scholarly consensus. The one who does this should be asked to
repent. If he repents, all well and good, otherwise he should be executed,
Allah forbid. See questions no.



With regard to reviling the religion of a particular Muslim person, such as
saying “May your religion be cursed” or “May the religion of your mother be
cursed” – if his mother is a Muslim – is also reviling the religion, as
appears to be the case, which is kufr as stated above. Some of the scholars
suggested that it may be interpreted differently, and that what is referred
to is the person and his religious commitment. This may be based on
circumstantial evidence. In this case he should be punished and disciplined.
In any case he should be asked to repent and the matter should be discussed
with him. 

It says in al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah: The fuqaha (jusrists) are unanimously
agreed that the one who reviles Islam or the religion of the Muslims is a
kafir (disbeliever). As for the one who reviles the religion of a Muslim,
the Hanafis said, as mentioned in Jami’ al-Fusooleen: The one who reviles
the religion of a Muslim should be denounced as a kafir, but his insult may
be understood as referring to that person’s bad attitude and bad treatment
of others, not Islam itself [because the word ‘deen’ in the phrase under
discussion may refer to one’s religion or to one’s way and conduct], in
which case he should not be denounced as a kafir. End quote. 

Al-Shaykh ‘Ulaysh al-Maliki said: In it [in al-Barzali] there is another
issue, which is if a man ridicules the prayer and people who pray, and many
people testify against him, some of whom are credible witnesses and some are
not. If it is interpreted as ridiculing the worshippers because he thinks
ill of them, then it is to be regarded as reviling the Muslims, so he should
be disciplined as the judge sees fit. If it is interpreted as ridiculing the
worship itself, the correct view is that this is apostasy, because he has
done this openly and many people knew about it, which is different than
heresy, and the ruling on apostasy should be applied. End quote. 

say: From this ruling it may be understood that the one who reviles Islam or
the religion or a madhhab (school of thought) is that this is often done by
some of the dregs of the common folk, such as donkey-drivers, camel-drivers
and servants, or it may be done by others. If he was referring to the
sharee’ah (religious laws) and the rulings that Allah has prescribed for His
slaves on the lips of His Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him), then he is definitely a kafir. If he does this openly then he is an
apostate who should be asked to repent; if he repents, all well and good,
otherwise he should be executed. If he does not do it openly then he is a
heretic who is to be executed even if he repents. 

If he was referring to an individual person and his religious commitment,
then this is reviling a Muslim and he should be disciplined as the judge
sees fit. The two cases may be differentiated on the basis of confession and
circumstantial evidence. Some scholars said that the ruling is the same in
the second case as in the first. In al-Badr it is narrated that Bahram said
concerning apostasy: If the one who does not pray says to the one who tells
him to pray: When you enter Paradise, lock the door behind you – if what he
meant is that prayer has no effect on one’s religious commitment then he has
apostatized, according to scholarly consensus, but if he meant that the
prayer of the speaker has no effect because it does not stop him from
committing immoral and evil actions, then there are two views as to whether
he is an apostate. End quote.  

It is well known that the Holy Quran is also part of the religion, and
reviling it is kufr, as was stated by al-Barzali in several places. End
quote from Fath al-‘Aliy al-Malik fi’l-Fatwa ‘ala Madhhab al-Imam Malik.

The other possibility that he mentioned may occur rarely, but the basic
principle is that cursing a person’s religion is cursing Islam, and no one
would do that but a reckless person who is so audacious that he transgresses
the sacred limits of Allah and commits this grave evil that may lead to his
doom. Because the other possibility is unlikely to be the case when someone
utters these words, al-Shaykh ‘Ulaysh (may Allah have mercy on him) did not
mention it anywhere else, when he was asked: What do you say about a man who
curses the religion of another, and a man who curses his madhhab, or one who
says to him, “May Allah curse your madhhab, the madhhab of cats” – are they

replied: Praise be to Allah and blessings and peace be upon our master
Muhammad the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Yes, they are apostates because of saying this, and they deserve to be
executed if they do not repent, according to scholarly consensus, because
reviling religion or a madhhab is only done by the one who is a kafir, and
because it is worse than belittling it which implies kufr, and because it
comes under the second category mentioned by Ibn ‘Abd al-Salam, al-Qarafi,
Ibn Rushd and others. And Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, knows
best, and may Allah send blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad. End
quote from Fath al-‘Aliy al-Malik.


The expiation for reviling – whether one reviled the religion or the person
– is sincere repentance. If a person repents, Allah will accept his
repentance. Otherwise the one who reviled another deserves to be punished
and disciplined. Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: What
should be done to the one who calls a Muslim a dog or a pig and other bad
words. Is he sinning? 

He replied: Praise be to Allah. He is sinning and he should be punished, and
he has to repent. And Allah knows best. End quote from Fatawa al-Nawawi. 

See also question no.

for more information on the repentance of one who reviles the

And Allah knows best.


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