- 39,969
What is the third eye?
Can Anyone Other than Allah Know the Unseen?
No one knows the absolute unseen except Allah. A person may learn of that which is relatively unseen either through revelation, or through life experience, or through empirical science, or other means.8,888Can We Say that a Person Has Wronged His Lord?
What is commonly said by some people, that it is possible for a person to wrong his Lord and to wrong himself and to wrong others is not correct. Rather the correct thing is to say that the person did wrong with regard to his relationship with his Lord.6,228Any Difference between ‘In Sha Allah’ and ‘Bi Idhnillah’?
There is no difference between you saying “In sha Allah” or “Bi idhnillah.” That is for several reasons which are detailed below.62,570Ruling on Uttering Words of Kufr with Changes in Words or Letters
You are right to tell them off, because they are coming close to kufr with these words. Changing one letter does not alleviate the grievousness of their error.8,028- 34,682
Superstition about the number 666
Types of Creation in Islam
There are two types of creation in Islam. 1- Creation may be either a direct process, as in the creation of Adam, 2- or it may be through certain means, as in the creation of the progeny of Adam from an ejected fluid.8,361Knowledge of the Unseen in Islam
The unseen is that which is hidden from people’s senses, whether it remains hidden and concealed, and no human can comprehend it, in the sense that no one knows it except the All-Aware, or people may learn of it because of a religious text from the Quran or hadith.33,207Can You Stop Sinning out of Love for Someone?
Refraining from sin will only save a person if it is done out of fear of Allah. Refraining from sin out of respect and love for any created being is a type of shirk.6,231From Eternity to Here: Islamic View
It is possible that before our universe there were other universes, and before them were other universes, until past eternity. In other words, Allah creates creation after creation. This is the famous issue of the sequence of creations.9,874