Basic Tenets of Faith
Discusses what the Muslim must believe concerning Allah, may He be glorified, the rest of the six pillars of faith, and other matters of the unseen, and what he must avoid of matters that are opposed to that belief and contradict it.
Can Apostasy Be Forgiven Multiple Times?
According to the correct scholarly opinion, the repentance of one who has apostatised repeatedly is to be accepted, and he comes under the same rulings as any other Muslim.82,453Can Babies See the Angels?
Seeing the angels and the jinn, in a form other than their true form, is possible. As for suggesting that only children can see that, we do not know of any text which speaks of that. This is a matter of the unseen, and we cannot say anything about it except on the basis of evidence, and there is no evidence to deny or affirm that.14,135Is Islamic `Aqidah Theoretical?
Islamic `Aqidah is not a theoretical and philosophical method; action is an essential part of this `Aqidah. Hence the Ahl As-Sunnah agreed that faith consists of words and deeds, or speaking with the tongue, believing in the heart and acting with the physical faculties. With regard to applying this `Aqidah in real life, this is done by learning it, propagating it, calling others to it, and refuting those who go against it with wisdom and beautiful preaching.82,185What Takes a Person Out of the Fold of Islam?
There are 10 things that take one out of the fold of Islam: 1. Associating others in worship with Allah. 2. Whoever sets up intermediaries between himself and Allah and calls upon them. 3. Whoever does not regard the polytheists as disbelievers. 4. Whoever believes that anything other than the teaching of the Prophet is more complete than his teachings. 5. Whoever hates any part of that which the Prophet brought. 6. Whoever makes fun of anything in the religion of the Prophet. 7. Witchcraft – including spells to turn one person against another or to make someone love another. 8. Supporting the polytheists and helping them against the Muslims. 9. Whoever believes that some people are allowed to operate outside the law of Muhammad. 10. Turning away from the religion of Allah, not learning it and not acting in accordance with it.159,213- 2,886
Ruling on saying, “So and so is going to cause us to become disbelievers”
- 5,915
How can a disbeliever believe after Allah has cursed him and expelled him from His mercy?
- 5,469
If animals go around in circles, does that indicate that some event is about to happen, or is it a sign of the onset of the Hour?
- 6,658
Good dreams are one of the parts of prophethood; what are the other parts?
The angels questioned Allah in order to find out and learn
Allah, may He be exalted, may be asked for the purpose of learning with humility, or He may be asked for the purpose of seeking guidance and knowledge, but He is not to be questioned by way of objection or disapproval of anything that He does, may He be glorified. The question of the angels was a question that was aimed at learning, for they were aware of the rights of their Lord, and they glorified and praised Him, for they are the ones who do not disobey Allah in what He commands them, and they do as they are commanded.7,016- 9,004
The connection between provision (rizq) and death