The Heart Softeners
- 13,712
Is there a specific supplication for protection against a sudden death?
Does Seeking Worldly Matters Cause Stress and Worries?
The wording mentioned in the question was not soundly narrated from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), and there is no sound report from him to suggest that it is not allowed to offer supplication for what is good in this world, so it is not correct to say that praying for what is good in this world will bring worries and stress. Rather what has been narrated is a warning against being distracted by worldly concerns from the hereafter, or seeking worldly gains in ways that are not permissible.5,749How to Increase Taqwa
You can increase Taqwa by: • Reflecting on the matter of this world and the hereafter and understanding the value of each of them • Striving to obey Allah and do righteous deeds • Fasting a great deal • Striving to acquire the characteristics of the righteous who fear Allah • Adhering to the guidance and teachings of the Prophet • Keeping away from what Allah has prohibited • Reflecting on the verses of Allah and His signs in the universe • Remembering Allah a great deal and reciting Quran • Keeping company with good people • Reading biographies of those who feared Allah among the righteous believers.13,301Hope and Fear in Islam
What is required of the Muslim is not to despair of mercy and not to feel safe from punishment; rather they should be in a state between hope and fear, because Allah has condemned those who feel safe from punishment and has condemned those who despair of His mercy.13,127- 19,798
Will people who have disabilities in this world be admitted to Paradise without being brought to account and without being punished?
- 4,416
Ruling on one whose only intention in giving charity and zakah is to increase his wealth
- 39,995
He feels a shiver when praying and when reciting Qur’an, and in other situations. Does that stem from fear of Allah?
- 178,969
Guidance is in the Hand of Allah
- 345,211
Being Successful in Life
- 61,946
Fasting and Praying to Have Supplications Answered