Can Apostasy Be Forgiven Multiple Times?
According to the correct scholarly opinion, the repentance of one who has apostatised repeatedly is to be accepted, and he comes under the same rulings as any other Muslim.82,453Is Sujud At-Tilawah Allowed at Times Prayer is Forbidden?
The correct view is that it is permissible to offer Sujud At-Tilawah when reciting one of the Quranic verses of prostration, even at times when prayer is not allowed. Similarly, it is permissible to offer Salat At-Tawbah during these times.24,143How to Repent from Making Fun of Islam
Mocking Islam and its teachings is a serious act of disbelief that can take a person out of the fold of Islam. For those who have erred in this way, sincere repentance and a return to the path of faith are essential steps. Islam teaches that the Quran and Sunnah are too sacred to be treated with ridicule or contempt. So, it is vital to approach them with the respect and reverence they deserve, ensuring that our words and actions align with the teachings of our faith.140,409Is Shirk Forgivable?
Allah has told us that He will forgive all sins for the one who repents to Him, even Shirk. Whoever repents, Allah will accept his repentance. To repent from Shirk, all you have to do is to turn to Allah, regret what you did and resolve not to do it again. In general, faith is increased by doing acts of worship and keeping away from prohibited things.200,418Is It Prohibited to Kiss Your Wife in Public?
Kissing one’s wife in front of people is not permissible. Kissing one’s wife in public does not constitute Zina because there is no Zina with one's wife. There is no expiation for this kissing the wife in public except sincere repentance and firm resolve not to do it again, and true regret for having committed this sin.247,327Punishment for Masturbation in Islam
With regard to masturbation, the basic ruling is that it is prohibited according to the majority of scholars, and the one who does it should be given a Ta`zir punishment, but it is not like Zina.299,832- 2,663
Impact of prayer for forgiveness (istighfar) on receiving a response to supplication (du‘a’)
Can You Repent without Wudu or Ghusl?
Allah has not commanded the person who repents to do Wudu or Ghusl, whether his impurity is minor or major, either before or after repenting, unless he is repenting from disbelief or apostasy.44,653Does Repentance Expiate False Oaths?
A false oath may be expiated by sincere repentance. There is no sin for which repentance cannot be accepted, for Allah has opened the door of repentance to every sinner.25,619Du`a to Strengthen Faith and Get Rid of Whispers
1. Faith increases by doing acts of worship and righteous deeds, and it decreases by committing sins. So whoever wants to increase his faith, let him focus on obeying Allah and let him avoid disobeying Him. What will help him to do that is spending time with righteous people and keeping away from innovators and sinners. 2. The remedy for intrusive thoughts (Waswas) is to ignore them and turn away from them; to recite a great deal of Quran; to do great deal of righteous deeds; and to call upon Allah, may He be Glorified, and beseech Him to ward off the schemes of the Shaytan from you and to make you steadfast in adhering to the truth.10,933