Knowledge & Propagation
seeking Islamic knowledge and the etiquette and means of doing so; Islamic attitude towards various branches of knowledge; ways of spreading Islam and conveying its message to all people.
- 1,294
Is it correct to say that the Muslims are acting in the Prophet’s stead in calling people to Islam and spreading the message of Islam?
Does a father educating his children come under the heading of knowledge that will benefit him after he dies?
Beneficial worldly knowledge comes under the heading of the knowledge that a person may leave behind and that will benefit him after he dies. The one who helps or is a means of spreading this benefit will also have a great reward.1,749- 8,661
She is a seeker of knowledge and is not sure whether she should seek knowledge or teach people, and she is asking for advice
- 11,485
Ruling on memorizing Qur’an using the “five fortresses” method
- 51,657
The ruling on seeking knowledge with the intention of refuting the specious arguments that are made against Islam
- 6,916
He wants to teach his colleagues, but they turn away from him and are jealous of him
- 19,674
Is the division and categorisation of knowledge a good innovation (bid‘ah hasanah)?
- 27,193
Bad attitude on the part of the daa‘iyah is an obstacle to da‘wah