Calling Muslims to Islam
- 14,965
Should a new Muslim be taught all the rulings in one go?
- 21,531
Ruling on circumcision for one who has become Muslim
- 12,102
Keep your duty to Allaah and fear Him as much as you can
- 14,579
What is it recommended for a sick person to do when his illness is terminal?
- 18,089
Female broadcasters and daa’iyahs on Islamic channels pluck their eyebrows. Does this mean that what they do is permissible?
- 16,409
Response to one who claims that the Muslims’ backwardness is because of their adherence to their religion
- 21,870
The way to unite the Muslims on the truth
- 34,075
How to deal with sinful families
- 13,550
Women giving a false excuse for not praying
- 34,626
Is it permissible to watch movies or clips that show women for exhortation and to learn a lesson?