Calling Muslims to Islam
- 10,606
What should the imam do when there are people praying behind him who do innovated actions?
- 33,402
Advice to the Muslims in the West
- 7,983
Should he sell tapes by daa’iyahs whose ways sometimes differ from the Sunnah?
- 12,118
Her brother is very audacious in committing sin – what should she do with him?
- 24,976
He is asking: are all the pious shaykhs Salafis?
- 7,329
At whose hand should change be wrought at a time when the situation of the Muslims contradicts the greatness of their religion?
- 80,031
Slandering and Accusing Muslims
- 20,753
Going out for da’wah
- 8,178
Can he take his mother to the market when she is wearing a short abayah?
- 150,934
Is the story that the astronaut Neil Armstrong became Muslim true?