Calling non-Muslims to Islam
Are All Sins Forgiven after Converting to Islam?
By His Grace and Mercy, Allah has made embracing Islam a cause to erase the sins that were committed before it. When a disbeliever becomes Muslim, Allah forgives all that he did when he was a non-Muslim, and he becomes cleansed of sin.103,699- 1,765
An Orthodox Christian wants to become Muslim, but he does not know where to start
Etiquettes of Entering the Mosque
Etiquettes of Entering the Mosque: 1. Women should not go out wearing perfume, adornment or make-up. 2. It is Sunnah when you leave your house and head towards the mosque to recite the Du`a for walking to the mosque. 3. You should enter the mosque with your right foot first and say the words that were narrated from the Prophet. 4. When you enter the mosque, you should not sit down until you have prayed two Rak`ahs to “greet the mosque”. 5. You should not raise your voice in the mosque even in reciting the Quran because that may disturb the worshippers. 6. You should exit the mosque with the left foot first, and say the Du`a narrated from the Prophet.37,780Duties of Muslims Towards Non-Muslims
The duties of Muslims towards non-Muslims include: 1- calling them to Islam; 2- not wronging them; 3- being good neighbours to them; and 4- giving them charity not Zakah if they are poor. There is nothing wrong with interacting with non-Muslims such as buying, selling, renting, hiring and so on. Muslims should not partake in celebrating non-Muslim festivals, but are allowed to offer condolences if their loved one dies.68,807- 3,136
Is it permissible to conceal his faith and say that he is a Christian?
Wisdom Behind Purification in Islam
The wisdom behind purification in Islam includes: 1. Purification is in harmony with the sound nature (fitrah) that Allah, may He be exalted, instilled in people. 2. Islam is a religion of cleanliness and beauty, and it encourages its followers to stand out among other people by cleaning their bodies, combing their hair, wearing the purest of clothes and smelling good. 3. Modern, well-founded scientific studies have proven that cleanliness and purification protect a person from many diseases, and that filth is the cause of many diseases. 4. The Muslim is required to meet and converse with his Lord, may He be exalted [in prayer]. 5. Whoever strives to purify his body and clothes from filth and impurities should be even keener to purify his heart and soul of bad characteristics.10,621- 4,510
He wants to enter Islam, but his family will not let him. Can he do the acts of worship in secret or in his heart?
- 15,859
Specious argument from a Christian who claims that there are verses in the Qur’an which contradict the verse {There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion} [al-Baqarah 2:256]
- 11,583
She wants to embrace Islam, but she is not convinced about execution of the apostate, ownership of slaves, witchcraft and the jinn
- 6,833
He wants to become Muslim, and is asking for advice regarding his new life