Islamic politics
topics having to do with caring for the best interests of the ummah and running its affairs, whether in terms of internal matters or its relationships with other nations, in accordance with the objectives of sharia (maqaasid ash-sharee‘ah).
- 40,570
There is nothing wrong with reporting criminals, even in an non-Muslim country
- 88,779
Oath of allegiance (bay‘ah) of ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib to Abu Bakr as-Siddeeq (may Allah be pleased with them both)
- 35,389
The story of ‘Umar’s exiling of Nasr ibn Hajjaaj from Madinah
- 21,959
He was Muslim, then he went back to his country and apostatised, then he came back to a Muslim country; is he a mu‘aahad (non-Muslim living under Muslim protection)? How should we deal with him?
- 35,120
Is it permissible for ordinary people to label as a kaafir one who reviles Islam, without referring to the scholars concerning that?
How to Treat Non-Muslims
Here is how to treat non-Muslims: 1. Islam urges Muslims to show kindness to parents even if they are non-Muslims. 2. Islam advises Muslims to treat neighbors kindly even if they are not Muslim. 3. Islam encourages Muslims to ensure justice and show kindness to non-Muslims who are not fighting Muslims. 4. Islam prohibits killing non-Muslims living under Muslim rule. 5. Islam prohibits wronging a mu‘ahid, detracting from his rights, or burdening him with more work. 6. Islam prohibits committing transgression and commands justice.235,369- 393,609
Ruling on democracy and elections and participating in that system
- 66,208
Advice to the Muslims in Finland
- 125,623
How the caliph of the Muslims is appointed
- 87,465
Muslim taking part in elections with non-Muslims