Basic Tenets of Faithعرض›الإجابات: 119التصنيفات الفرعية: 6
Hadith & its Sciencesعرض›الإجابات: 72التصنيفات الفرعية: 4
The Quran and its Sciencesعرض›الإجابات: 131التصنيفات الفرعية: 3
Fiqh of the familyعرض›الإجابات: 111التصنيفات الفرعية: 18
Principles of Fiqhعرض›الإجابات: 12التصنيفات الفرعية: 2
Etiquette, Morals and Heart-Softenersعرض›الإجابات: 23التصنيفات الفرعية: 3
Knowledge & Propagationعرض›الإجابات: 8التصنيفات الفرعية: 2
Psychological and Social Problemsعرض›الإجابات: 272التصنيفات الفرعية: 2
Islamic history and biographyعرض›الإجابات: 67التصنيفات الفرعية: 3
Pedagogy education and upbringingعرض›الإجابات: 13التصنيفات الفرعية: 2
She is eighty years old and makes mistakes in reciting Qur’an, and she forgets; what is the ruling on her prayer?
17,720Is it permissible to shift one’s weight during Taraweeh?
15,349They stipulated that he should lead a communal du‘aa’ and not place one hand over the other; should he lead them in prayer or leave them?
12,150Is it permissible to pray in a room where there is a television that is on?
65,373Ruling on praying in high heeled shoes
17,917What to Say Between Sujud
It is better to say Du`a between Sujud in the words narrated from the Prophet which are ‘Rabb ighfir li, Rabb ighfir li.’ It is permissible to add to the Du`a between Sujud that was narrated from the Prophet or using words other than those that were narrated.95,721Praying with tayammum is better than praying with a previous wudoo’ done using water when one is desperate to relieve oneself
13,137Can You Pray Whilst Wearing Clothes With Writing on them?
If the shirt includes writing that is not prohibited but it attracts attention and distracts the worshippers who look at it, then it is disliked to pray in it in that case, otherwise it is not disliked. But if the writing carries prohibited meanings, it is not permissible to wear it at all, whether outside the prayer or when praying.112,888Moving while Praying
The basic ruling on moving while praying is that it is makruh unless it is done for a reason. There is no specific number of movements that invalidates the prayer, rather it is any movement that contradicts the idea of prayer in the sense that if anyone saw this man doing that it would look as if he were not praying.131,156He assumed that he had done less in his prayer, but he only did the two prostrations of forgetfulness without doing the rak‘ahs that he had omitted