- Deeds Through Which One Can Attain the Rewards of the Fasting Person2,117
- Holding Back Ejaculation Then Seeing Discharge With a Bad Odour3,374
- Chronic Dizziness While Fasting3,384
- Ruling on Appetite Suppressant Patches While Fasting2,298
- Effect of Invisible Aligner on the Fast2,713
- If someone has been affected by sihr (witchcraft) and cannot fast, should he feed poor people instead?6,292
- She woke up and found that her period had ended, but she did not know when it ended; is her fast valid?10,516
- I‘tikaaf during a time of danger due to the pandemic3,456
- Is it permissible for a new Muslim who is afraid of his family finding out to not attend Jumu‘ah, and to pray in the bathroom, and do not fast in Ramadan?8,517
- What is the ruling on one who did not fast Ramadan for a number of years because the days were too long, then he grew old and is unable to make up the fasts?5,518