- 10,225
Is money earned from permissible video clips which include background music regarded as haram?
- 2,046
He buys by instalments and sells by instalments for a higher price
Is It Permissible to Sell Back to the Seller What Has Not Yet Been Received?
There is nothing wrong with you selling back to the seller the dates that he owes you in return for Dinars, on condition that it is at the current market price. There is also nothing wrong with delaying payment in full or in part, because when selling the dates for Dinars, there is no stipulation that the exchange should take place on the spot, before parting.3,217Is It Permissible in Islam to Return a Car If You Find Defects?
If someone buys a car then discovers a defect in it, and it is the type of defect that could detract from its value, then he has the choice between returning it or keeping it and receiving compensation from the seller for this defect. The option to return the defective item is established, regardless of whether the seller was aware of the defect or not, and regardless of whether the purchaser examined the item or not. Once the defect is discovered, he has the option [of cancelling the deal].3,756- 3,902
Ruling on making a down payment to buy an apartment that is under construction, and ruling on receiving interest on that payment
Characteristics of a Muslim Businessman
Characteristics of a Muslim businessman are: 1- Trade should not distract him from remembering Allah; 2- He should seek that which is permissible; 3 -He should keep away from dubious matters; 4- He should strive to be sincere and honest, and to fear Allah; 5- He should not neglect charity; 6- He should be lenient and easy-going; 7- He should give respite to one who is in difficulty, and reduce or wave his debt; 8- He should stay away prohibited transactions.11,775Is Paying Upon Delivery for Online Shopping Prohibited in Islam?
Both parties should agree on the sale of an item that meets specific specifications, considering it a non-binding promise. The transaction may be finalised when the product arrives at the purchaser’s location, at the discretion of the purchaser, based on their satisfaction with the item.9,090How Businessmen Develop Trust in Allah
Muslim businessmen can develop trust in Allah by: • Believing that Allah has already allocated provision to people, and He decreed that from eternity. • Cutting off any relationship between him and anyone other than Allah. • Being attached to Allah while taking appropriate measures and striving to earn a living. • Thinking positively of Allah and turning to Him in supplication, beseeching and asking of Him.4,948Can the Bank Sell Cars by Instalments?
1- The bank can sell cars by instalments with three conditions: 1- The bank should take possession of the car before selling it to the employee, 2- The bank does not charge interest on instalments; 3- The bank does not impose a penalty for late payment. 2- If the bank does not meet these conditions, the transaction would be considered Riba which is prohibited in Islam.2,790Dealing with Companies and Apps that Support Homosexuals
If not dealing with companies and apps that support homosexuals will achieve the purpose of deterring these companies from supporting evil, or it will make known the evil that the company is committing, which is their support of homosexuals, and denouncing them for that and making their actions known to people, then we must refrain from buying from these companies and refuse to deal with them.11,319