Basic Tenets of FaithMostrar›Respuestas: 119Subcategorías: 6
Hadith & its SciencesMostrar›Respuestas: 72Subcategorías: 4
The Quran and its SciencesMostrar›Respuestas: 131Subcategorías: 3
Fiqh of the familyMostrar›Respuestas: 111Subcategorías: 18
Principles of FiqhMostrar›Respuestas: 12Subcategorías: 2
Etiquette, Morals and Heart-SoftenersMostrar›Respuestas: 23Subcategorías: 3
Knowledge & PropagationMostrar›Respuestas: 8Subcategorías: 2
Psychological and Social ProblemsMostrar›Respuestas: 272Subcategorías: 2
Islamic history and biographyMostrar›Respuestas: 67Subcategorías: 3
Pedagogy education and upbringingMostrar›Respuestas: 13Subcategorías: 2
He gave his father an injection and some air bubbles got in and he died. Is he liable?
6,853She was thinking of getting rid of the foetus, and she started bleeding, but she neglected to seek treatment. Then she gave birth to a girl naturally, who died after ten days. Is she liable?
7,002He broke someone’s arm and that man lost his job; what must he do?
6,476Ruling on working in marketing for a health organisation whose activities also include euthanasia
6,661‘Iddah of a divorced woman who is pregnant
13,589Ruling on accepting the compensation estimated by the owner of the car showroom
5,723Will the aborted fetus be resurrected on the Day of Resurrection, and will he be asked the reason why he was aborted, as in the case in the female infant buried alive?
38,904Ruling on aborting a foetus affected by thalassaemia
17,724Views of the salaf and Sunni scholars concerning the repentance of one who kills someone deliberately and unlawfully
43,536He is 16 years old; his father told him to drive the car, and he hit a child, and the child died. What should he do?