- 11,334
Ruling on one who is killed in the fight against drugs
What Are the Conditions of Joking in Islam?
The conditions of joking are: 1- it should not involve making fun of Islam, 2- the jokes should only be truthful, 3- you should not scare people, 4- you should not mock people by winking behind their backs, 5 the jokes should not be excessive, 6- you should acknowledge people’s status, 7- joking should not involve backbiting, and 8- you should choose appropriate times for joking.357,372- 16,012
Ruling on writing the Basmalah at the beginning of poems, stories and articles
- 12,896
Is this expression correct?
- 22,399
Seeking refuge with Allaah at the beginning of a khutbah or lecture
- 34,561
Prohibition on harming animals and setting them against one another
- 29,057
Entering Chat Rooms on the Internet for Fun
- 346,313
The reason why the right hand is preferred over the left
- 80,620
Praying for the one who treats you kindly by saying “Jazak Allaahu khayran”
- 55,540
Is it haraam to cut down lote trees?