- 116,474
She swore a false oath; how can she expiate that?
Du’a for Insomnia and How to Treat It
The reports narrated by some scholars about adkhar to be recited just before going to sleep in order to free oneself from insomnia are weak.173,459- 49,168
A 12-year-old Muslim girl whose father is an atheist and her mother is Christian; they revile her Lord and her Prophet -- what should she do?
- 27,203
Ruling on bringing a servant into the home
- 21,412
A young man wants to follow the Sunnah but his father is Shi’i and wants to prevent him from following true guidance. What advice can you give?
- 56,577
Ruling on asking for divorce because of depression
- 70,815
Advice and guidelines for someone who cannot mix with people and prefers to stay home alone
- 27,083
She married an American man who announced his Islam, then he stopped praying and denied that Allah created the heavens. What should she do?
- 38,332
She has committed sin and wants to repent
- 82,206
He married her without the knowledge of his first wife, then his secret was found out, and he is still not giving her her rights with regard to his staying overnight with her