Description of Major & Minor Pilgrimage
Du`a During `Umrah
At the Miqat of `Umrah, it is Sunnah to recite Tasbih, Tahlil, and Takbir. On the way to Makkah, it is Sunnah to recite the Talbiyah a great deal. During Tawaf, every time you come in line with the Black Stone in each circuit, say, “Allahu akbar.” Before climbing up As-Safa and when atop it, you should recite: “Verily, As-Safa and Al-Marwah are of the Symbols of Allah” then say: ‘I begin with that with which Allah began’. When climbing Al-Marwah, you should do the same as you did when climbing As-Safa, without reciting the verse before starting to climb.156,009Is It Permissible to Do a Voluntary Sa`i?
It is not permissible to do a voluntary Sa`i, because Sa`i is only prescribed as part of the rituals of Hajj or `Umrah.15,039Is It Sunnah to End Tawaf with Takbir?
The pilgrim comes in line with the Black Stone at the end of the seventh circuit of Tawaf. So it is Sunnah for him to say Takbir as it is Sunnah for him to do so at the beginning of each circuit, when he comes in line with it, following the example of the Messenger of Allah.13,029What Is ‘Umrah?
`Umrah is composed of four things, namely: ihram, circumambulation of the Sacred House (tawaf), sa`i between al-Safa and al-Marwah, and shaving the head or cutting the hair.184,989- 18,633
Meaning of the verse “Whoever hastens to leave in two days”
- 9,018
Delaying stoning the Jamarat during the days of Tashreeq for a necessary reason
- 29,573
Not staying overnight in Mina during the days of Tashreeq
- 14,150
What should the menstruating woman do when she enters ihraam?
- 39,043
She entered ihraam for ‘umrah, then she decided not to do it. What does she have to do?
Do You Need Wudu for Tawaf and Sa`i?
The majority of scholars are of the view that wudu is an essential condition of tawaf. However, wudu is not essential for sa`i.86,844