Sound belief
There are many Muslims who may be unaware of the basic beliefs of Islam, which makes them fall into things that have nothing to do with Islam. This section deals with correct belief (‘aqeedah) and explains it in a simple manner that is easily understood, including the basics of ‘aqeedah in accordance with the Qur’aan and Sunnah, far removed from misconceptions and complexity, using straightforward terms and a clear approach.
How Knowledge Seekers Organise Their Time
How knowledge seekers organise their time: • Have fixed times for regular things every day. • Put a stop to time wasters. • Procrastination is a severe disease that deprives one of many good things in this world and in the Hereafter. • Keep yourself busy at all times with that which is best for you and most beneficial for you in the Hereafter. • Invest your time as much as you can and do not waste a single moment in anything that is not an act of obedience or worship.72,185- 108,466
Meaning of “being with” in the verse “And whoso obeys Allah and the Messenger , then they will be with those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqoon , the martyrs, and the righteous... [an-Nisa’ 4:69]
- 28,303
How can we know which hadiths were abrogated and which abrogated others? Isn’t this a source of confusion?
- 24,490
Ruling on picking up lost property in the Haram of
Making Du’a When It Rains: Recommended?
1- It is recommended to make this du’a when it rains: : “Allahumma sayyiban nafi‘an.” 2- There is no proven dhikr or du’a from the Prophet for seeing lightning. 3- The time when rain comes down is a time of divine bounty and mercy from Allah and it is a time when it is thought that du‘as will be answered.240,779- 204,914
Are there any guidelines or conditions with regard to using the black seed?