Sacrificial Animal & Expiations
- What to Say When Offering UdhiyahThe Sunnah for one who wants to slaughter the udhiyah is to say: Bismillah, wa Allahu akbar, Allahumma hadha minka wa laka, hadha ‘anni (or if it is being offered on behalf of someone else, hadha ‘an [fulan]), Allahumma taqabbal min [fulan] wa ali [fulan].103,873
- Is it permissible to give a kaafir any of the udhiyah meat?21,951
- The best animals to be sacrificed are camels, then cows, then sheep, then to share in a sacrifice53,133
- Is It Obligatory to Take a Loan to Offer Udhyah?According to the view that udhiyah is obligatory and the view that it is mustahabb, there is no need to take out a loan to buy the udhiyah because it is not obligatory for one who cannot afford. However, it is mustahabb to take out a loan if there is the hope that one can pay it back.32,186
- Can You Cut Hair or Nails If You Are Offering Sacrifice?If you want to offer a sacrifice and the month of Dhul Hijjah has begun, then it is haram for you to remove anything of your hair or nails or skin until you have slaughtered the sacrifice. It is permissible for your family to remove things from their hair, nails and skin during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah.304,706
- Udhiyah – What should be eaten and what should be given away?28,972
- Speaking the intention out loud when slaughtering the sacrifice16,483
- When Can You Cut Nails in Dhul Hijjah?If the onset of Dhul Hijjah has been proven and a person wants to offer a sacrifice, it is haram for him to remove anything from the hair on his body or to cut his nails or any part of his skin.198,937
- Intending to Offer Udhiyah but Had My Hair Cut after Dhul Hijjah Began: What to Do?Whoever removes something from his hair, nails or skin during the first ten days of Dhul Hijjah out of forgetfulness or ignorance of the ruling, when he has resolved to offer a sacrifice, does not have to do anything.35,762
- The sacrifice was injured before it was slaughtered.15,893