Basic Tenets of Faith
Guidelines on Imitating Non-Muslims
Islam provides clear guidelines on the imitation of non-Muslims, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a distinct Islamic identity. While certain forms of imitation may be permissible, particularly in non-religious matters that do not contradict Islamic teachings, caution is necessary. Muslims are advised to avoid practices that are unique to non-Muslim religions or customs, especially those that may lead to a weakening of Islamic principles.119,991Is Gender Reveal Part of the Unseen?
Gender reveal happens after the baby has been fully formed. Therefore, knowledge of whether it is male or female is no longer the matter of the unseen because once it has been fully formed it becomes the matter of the visible world.133,699The Best Means to Increase Your Faith
The best 3 means to increase your faith are: 1- Learning about Allah through His names and attributes; 2- Observing the signs of Allah in the universe and the signs of Shari`ah; 3- Performing many acts of worship.32,417Protection from the Jinn: Any Du’a?
For protection from the jinn, you can say these du`as: 1- Seek refuge with Allah from the jinn: 2 – Recite al-Mu’awwadhatayn 3 – Recite Ayat al-Kursi 4 – Recite Surat al-Baqarah 5 – Recite the last verses of Surat al-Baqarah 6 – Recite “La ilaha ill-Allah wahdahu la sharika lah, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shayin qadir 7 – Remember Allah often (dhikr) 8 – Say the adhan (call to prayer) 9 – Recite the Quran as it offers protection against the shaytan484,229- 59,015
Pillars of faith and branches of faith
- 10,980
Can he pray for his parents when he does not know what religion they were following when they died?
Can Muslims Join Non-Muslim Festivals?
It is not permissible to join in the non-Muslim festivals because this entails imitating or resembling them and taking part in their festivals is a kind of befriending them and showing love for them.67,418Did Prophet Muhammad See Allah?
Most of the Companions were of the view that Prophet Muhammad did not see Allah with his eyes on the night of the Mi`raj. `Aishah said: “Whoever told you that Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) saw his Lord was lying.”214,841- 19,439
Conditions of righteous deeds
- 29,770
Taking part in non-Muslim celebrations in order to encourage them to take part in our celebrations