- How Knowledge Seekers Organise Their TimeHow knowledge seekers organise their time: • Have fixed times for regular things every day. • Put a stop to time wasters. • Procrastination is a severe disease that deprives one of many good things in this world and in the Hereafter. • Keep yourself busy at all times with that which is best for you and most beneficial for you in the Hereafter. • Invest your time as much as you can and do not waste a single moment in anything that is not an act of obedience or worship.72,185
- Meaning of “being with” in the verse “And whoso obeys Allah and the Messenger , then they will be with those on whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, of the Prophets, the Siddiqoon , the martyrs, and the righteous... [an-Nisa’ 4:69]108,466
- How can we know which hadiths were abrogated and which abrogated others? Isn’t this a source of confusion?28,303
- Ruling on picking up lost property in the Haram of24,490
- Making Du’a When It Rains: Recommended?1- It is recommended to make this du’a when it rains: : “Allahumma sayyiban nafi‘an.” 2- There is no proven dhikr or du’a from the Prophet for seeing lightning. 3- The time when rain comes down is a time of divine bounty and mercy from Allah and it is a time when it is thought that du‘as will be answered.240,779
- Are there any guidelines or conditions with regard to using the black seed?204,914