MarriageSubcategories: 9
Subcategories: 9
Calling non-Muslims to IslamView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 4
Calling non-Muslims to Islam
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 4
Sound beliefView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Sound belief
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Acts of WorshipView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Acts of Worship
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 5
Contemporary TransactionsView›Answers: 7Subcategories: 10
Contemporary Transactions
Answers: 7
Subcategories: 10
The Muslim WomanSubcategories: 16
The Muslim Woman
Subcategories: 16
CounsellingView›Answers: 2Subcategories: 5
Answers: 2
Subcategories: 5
Jurisprudence of Muslim MinoritiesView›Answers: 6Subcategories: 6
Jurisprudence of Muslim Minorities
Answers: 6
Subcategories: 6
Ramadaan Q&AView›Answers: 1Subcategories: 12
Ramadaan Q&A
Answers: 1
Subcategories: 12
He is not sure whether he said the opening takbeer or not
37,183Making the second rak’ah long and the first rak’ah short
13,695He recites the last verses of Soorat al-Baqarah in Witr prayer
20,586Where should the worshipper look when he is saying the salam at the end of the prayer?
41,971She wants to become Muslim but she does not know where the qiblah
7,835Praying in shoes in a mosque where there are carpets
56,483Can Women Pray While Wearing Pants?
It is not permissible for a woman when praying to wear tight clothes that forms her `Awrah such as pants or trousers. Even if a woman goes against this ruling and prays wearing these tight clothes, her prayer is still valid, because what is required is to cover the `Awrah, and she has done that.215,064Should she stop her prayer because her family does not know that she is Muslim?
31,005Is it imitating the Raafidis to let the arms hang by one’s side when one is tried?
20,237The reason why Quran is recited out loud in the nighttime prayers and silently in the daytime prayers