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24,13313/Rabiʻ I/1419 , 8/July/1998

Women swimming

السؤال: 1075


Are Women allowed to swim in a secluded place together?
If yes. How are they supposed to dress as any dress will stick to the body when wet. Please explain in detail

الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وآله وبعد.

Anything that could be a source of temptation among women must be prevented. So their swimming in clothes that do not cover their ‘awrah (parts of the body which must be covered) properly because they stick to the body is something that is not allowed. If they swim in clothes that cover them, in a place far from the gaze of men, and cover themselves as soon as they come out of the water so that others will not see them in clothes that show the shape or colour of their ‘awrah, then there is nothing wrong with this so long as they adhere to the shar’i conditions.

And Allah knows best.


Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

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