Rulings on sport, leisure and entertainment
Is Playing Cards Prohibited?
Playing cards is prohibited in Islam even if there is no money involved, because the problem with playing cards is that it distracts people from remembering Allah and from prayer. Also it is still a means that may lead to gambling which is expressly forbidden in the Quran.232,472Did Prophet Muhammad Exercise?
We do not know of anything in the Sunnah to indicate that Prophet Muhammad used to do any kind of exercise or play sports as known nowadays. The Companions used to train in horsemanship and the skills of fighting and running, and they were extremely strong and tough.100,989Is Fishing Prohibited in Islam?
1- The basic ruling with regard to hunting is that it is permissible except for one who is in a state of Ihram. Fishing and the pursuit of other aquatic creatures is not prohibited for the one who is in Ihram. 2- If the hunter or fisherman does not have any particular need for what he catches, and he is only doing it as a sport (i.e., as a leisure activity or for fun), then hunting or fishing in this case is disliked.58,409Is It Permissible for a Muslim to Be a Martial Arts Trainer?
• There is nothing wrong with a Muslim working as a martial arts trainer if he can make learners avoid the evils of these arts. • Muay Thai or Thai kickboxing includes a number of objectionable matters such as striking the face, causing harm or injury to one’s opponent, uncovering `Awrah, and using musical instruments. So, it is not permissible to engage in this sport unless you avoid these objectionable matters. • There is nothing wrong with practising martial arts if they are free of the objectionable matters according to Islamic teachings11,643- 5,286
Ruling on making the shapes of things out of paper, and what is permissible and what is not permissible thereof
Can Muslim Women Practice Resistance Training?
There is nothing wrong with Muslim women doing exercise, including resistance exercises, so long as the following conditions are met: 1. That should be done in a safe place where men cannot look in. 2. The `Awrah should be covered in front of other women. 3. The exercise should not cause the woman any harm. 4. Exercise should not distract the woman from obligatory duties such as prayer.16,756- 8,675
Ruling on participating in long distance running races
- 35,530
Permissible kinds of leisure and entertainment
- 20,051
Ruling on computer games in which the player has a number of hearts, and every time he gets a heart he comes back to life
- 19,430
Ruling on breaking the fast in order to play football (soccer) when travelling and otherwise, and the ruling on travelling fans breaking the fast