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Uncovering the face in order to establish the identity of a woman when travelling

Question: 115085

I am convinced about this that it is obligatory to cover the face and hands though there is ikhtilaf about this, but brother now i have a problem, currently i am doing my Alevels in a non coeducation college,but when i will be going for my exams in British council inshaAllah i have to show my face in order for them to recognise me.i didnt know before that i will be sinful to show my face, but what do i do now that i have done the registration, and what even about when i go to saudi or any other country i have to show my face in case they should be knowing me.

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

A woman is obliged to cover
her face in front of non-mahram men according to the more correct of the two
scholarly opinions, because of evidence which has been explained in the
answer to question no. 11774

It is permissible to
uncover the face in some situations where it is required by necessity or
need or interest, such as establishing identity, medical treatment,
testimony before a judge, and so on. Please see the answer to question no.

But you should understand
that necessity should be properly estimated and not exaggerated and you
should limit it only to that which will meet the need. So if you have to
uncover your face in order to prove your identity, then that should be
limited to the face only, and you should also avoid adornment and makeup. If
it is possible for a woman to establish your identity, then it is not
permissible to uncover it in front of a man. You should ask for that at the
British Council and in the airport, before you uncover your face. 

If a woman cannot do that,
then it is permissible to uncover your face in front of a man, and there is
no sin on you in sha Allaah. 

We ask Allaah to help and
guide you. 

And Allaah knows best.


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