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A little urine comes out of him after he does wudoo’; is he excused for that?

Question: 117053

Is a little urinary incontinence forgiven? Because sometimes when I take off my clothes I find that a little urine has come out without me realising it. 

Do I have to change my underwear for every prayer? May Allaah reward you with good.

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

If you are certain that some urine has come out, then you
have to repeat your wudoo’ and wash off what has got onto your clothes. If
the site of the urine is not clear to you, then you should wash the parts
where you think it most likely got onto, so that you can be certain that the
impurity has been removed. 

It says in Zaad al-Mustaqni’: If the location of the
impurity is not clear, it should be washed until one is certain that it has
been removed. 

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in
al-Sharh: meaning if the impurity got onto something, and its
location is unclear, then it is essential to wash whatever it got onto so as
to be certain that it has been removed. It should be noted that the area the
impurity gets onto will be one of two things: either it will be small or it
will be big. If it is big, then he should do his best to wash whatever he
thinks most likely the impurity got onto, because washing all of the large
area is difficult. And if it is small, then he has to wash it so that he can
be certain that it has been removed. End quote from al-Sharh al-Mumti’

Thus you will know that a small amount of urine is not

You should beware of waswasah, because it is a disease and an
evil; if it gains power over a person it will cause him distress, instil
doubt in him and make worship difficult for him. So beware of that. 

Hence we say: Do not inspect your clothes and do not worry
about this matter until it leaves you. 

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) was
asked: When I finish my wudoo’ and go to pray, I feel that a drop of urine
has come out on my private parts. What do I have to do? 

He replied: What he should do is ignore this, as enjoined by
the imams of the Muslims, and not pay any attention to it or look at his
private parts to see whether anything has come out or not. If he seeks
refuge with Allaah from the accursed shaytaan and ignores it, it will
disappear. But if he is certain, absolutely certain, then it is essential to
wash off whatever urine has got on him and repeat his wudoo’, because some
people, if they feel some coolness on the head of the penis, think that
something has come out. But if you are certain, then it is as I have said to
you. What you are saying is not incontinence, because it stops and starts,
whereas incontinence is continual. But this (your case) means that one or
two drops come out when you move. This is not incontinence, because once a
couple of drops have come out, it stops. In this case you should wash it and
do wudoo’ again, and do this all the time. Be patient and seek reward with
Allaah. End quote from Liqa’ al-Baab al-Maftooh (15/184). 

As for urinary incontinence, that means that it comes out
without stopping at any particular time. The one who has this problem has to
wash his private part and wrap it so as to prevent the urine from getting
onto his body or clothes, and do wudoo’ after the time for prayer has

Please see also the answer to question number
39494 for information on the
rulings on urinary incontinence. 

And Allaah knows best.


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