Whoever is able to do wudu – even if it is difficult but bearable – it is not permissible for him to do tayammum
If the substance of an impurity is removed but the place is still deemed to be impure, then it comes into contact with some other surface when it is still wet, does that other surface become impure?
Does a garment become impure if it was touched by wet impurity but it left no trace?
Can the skin of an animal that was sacrificed to something other than Allah be purified by means of tanning?
Ruling on speaking in the bathroom
If speaking in the bathroom happens when one is relieving oneself, it is not allowed, and it is contrary to good manners and dignity. As for speaking in the bathroom at a time other than when relieving oneself, there is no text to indicate that it is not allowed.When should a plaster cast be taken off? If he knew that the limb was healed before taking it off, does he have to repeat the prayer?
- 44
Is white alum pure (tahir)?
- 1,226
What is the ruling on a small amount of impurity (najasah) left after cleaning oneself with pebbles, if it gets onto the body or clothes?
- 2,452
If the smell of the impurity (najasah) remains, does it matter?
Can I Pray without Wudu If I’m Sick?
If the sick person cannot do Wudu with water because he is unable to or because he is afraid that it will make his sickness worse or delay his recovery, then he should do Tayammum. If the sick people cannot stand, then he may pray sitting. If he is unable to pray sitting, he may pray lying on his side. If he is unable to pray on his side, he may pray lying on his back with his feet towards the Qiblah.204,477