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She wants to become Muslim but thinks she will have problems with her friends, family and job

Question: 4816

I am a woman studying Islam and have a few
questions that need answering:
1. I have a few Muslim male friends, we are very close and they treat me as an equal, if I
had to convert to Islam would their attitutes towards me have to change, e.g. when I visit
their houses, their wifes are very much in the background while I am allowed to sit with
the men and partake in the conversation the wifes are usually busy in the kitchens or else
busy with the kids or generally sit and watch TV while we talk; I would not like to loose
these special moments with my friends;
2. What will I be able to do about Friday prayers? I work in a place where my situation is
very difficult. My collegeus are very prejudice against Muslims and I am afraid that
should I convert they will freak. I have read somewhere that you can appoint someone to do
the prayers for you, is that true?
3. My family are all very staunch Christians and I was brought up as a christian, I am
also married to a christian but he has no objections to my studying and practicing Islam,
if I had to convert how can I get my family to leave me alone?
4. Obviously this is a big step for me and I do still have doubts as to whether I am doing
the right thing, how can one be 100% sure that you are doing the right thing. In my heart
I feel OK about this although my mind has a lot of worries as you can notice from my
questions. I am sure of the Oneness of God and have always been. I have read the Choice by
Ahmed Deedat and I am sure about the Prophet (PBUH) and I do and have always believed in
life after death but why do I still feel so confused? Am I ready to take the big step?

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.

Is what you want to do the right step? Are you ready to take
this great step? From what you say, these are the two important questions to
which you have been trying to find the answer. We thank you for consulting us,
and we believe that what you are going to do is the right step for sure, because
this is the religion of Allaah, and He does not accept any other religion from
His slaves, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will
never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

Maybe you have compared (religions, etc.) and read widely and
have reached the conviction that this is the true religion which you must follow,
but this is not enough and it will not save a person just to believe in the
Oneness of Allaah and the Prophethood of Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the resurrection after death.
He must also utter the Shahadataayn and practise Islam. It seems to us that
your hesitation is not due to lack of conviction of the truth but because of
certain fears that have to do with social factors such as friends, family, husband
and job.

One aspect of the answer may be found under Question # 4775,
so please refer to that. As far as your Muslim acquaintances are concerned,
you will be sitting with their wives, not with the men, as is dictated by Islamic
teaching. If you find this difficult at first, you will find it easy later on.
If these women are too busy, then look for other sincere Muslim women who you
can make friends with and encourage one another to adhere to the truth.

If you are sincere towards Allaah, He will help
you to overcome your difficulties with your husband and family. With regard
to Friday Prayers, this is not obligatory for women because the Prophet of Islam
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“It is a duty for every Muslim to pray Jumu’ah in congregation apart
from four: slaves, women, young boys and the sick.” (Reported by
Abu Dawood, 901). Women have to pray four rak’ahs of Zuhr
prayer on Friday wherever they are. What you have heard about a person delegating
someone else to pray on his behalf is not correct at all. Prayer is fard
‘ayn, i.e., an individual duty for each Muslim, and it is not acceptable
for one person to appoint someone else as a proxy or for one person to pray
on behalf of another. In any case, you have no need for this in the case of
Jumu’ah prayers, as you now know.

Briefly, all you need in your case is to put your trust in
Allaah and strive to please Him. Go ahead and embrace His religion even if it
makes other people angry. So long as you accept Him as your Lord and God, and
follow His religion, He will never let you down or forsake you. We believe that
you are ready to take this great step, in sha Allaah, so remember our advice
in brief is “Go for it” and put your trust in Allaah. We ask Allaah
to give you strength.


Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

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