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Muslims’ opinion of Christians; is the jihad that they spoke of in the past still ongoing?

Question: 82360

What is the Muslims oppinion of Christianity and why is there so much quarrel? Is it because of the crusades and that the jihad (sorry if spelt wrongly) that was spoken then still exists? 3.) Cant both culture accept as God and Allah being the same Creator? Because both are described in a very simular way and i am wondering if both accept God and Allah being the same Creator that many problems would be solved? Plz answer as soon as possible because it would be useful to use the information i get in my project on Islam? .

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah and his family.


The Muslims regard the Christians as being of two types: 

1 –Those who believed in Jesus (peace be upon him) at the
time of Jesus or after him, before the coming of Muhammad (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him). They are righteous believers who believed
in the Oneness of God (Tawheed); they believed that Jesus was a great
Messenger who was sent by God, and they believed in other Messengers such as
Abraham and Moses. 

As for those who believed in Jesus (peace be upon him) then
believed in Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), they
are of a high status, and will have a double reward, as our Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said. 

2 – Those who deviated from Tawheed (pure monotheism) and
believed that Jesus was God or the son of God, or they devoted some forms of
worship to him such as prayer and supplication. This is going against the
teachings of Jesus and other Messengers, and following the distortions that
the priests and monks introduced into the true religion that was brought by
Jesus from God. 

Similarly, those who heard the Message of Muhammad
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) but did not believe in it or
follow him, are going against the way of the Muslims and are going against
the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him), because he foretold the coming
of his brother Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). 

This opinion about the Christians is well established and
does not stem from the Crusades or the oppression of the colonialists and
their aggression against Muslim lands. If anyone rejects the message of
Jesus (peace be upon him) or the message of Moses (peace be upon him) or the
message of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), he is
a kaafir (disbeliever). If anyone denies that this Qur’aan was revealed from
God, or mocks it, he is a kaafir, because the Qur’aan was revealed from

As for jihad, it will remain in effect until the Day of
Resurrection. Its aim is to spread the call of truth to all of mankind and
free man from the oppressive forces that conceal the light from him and
prevent him from thinking about the truth, and subject him to rules that go
against the rulings of God. The aim of jihad is not to force anyone to enter
Islam, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“There is no compulsion in religion”

[al-Baqarah 2:256]


What you mention about the Lord and God and the Creator
indicates that your fitrah (basic human nature) and your reasoning are
sound. This is what the Muslims believe. The Lord is God (Allaah) and He is
the Creator; there is no creator but Him and no lord but Him, and no one
deserves to be worshipped except Him. The Creator, the Provider, the
Controller, is Allaah, besides Whom there is no other god, and it is not
permissible for us to worship anyone but Him. This God cannot be like a
human being, having a son or a wife; exalted be Allaah above that. 

Moreover, this God cannot be incarnated in human form,
eating, drinking, feeling hunger and thirst, being beaten and crucified. 

Muslim belief is easy and is in accordance with reason and
logic: there is a Creator and created beings. The Creator is Allaah, may He
be exalted, and the created things are everything besides Him, heavens,
earth, sun, moon, humans and jinn. By His Mercy, Allaah sent Messengers to
mankind, to call them to Allaah and show them the right way. Among these
Messengers were Nooh (Noah), Ibraaheem (Abraham), Moosa (Moses), ‘Eesa
(Jesus) and Muhammad, may the blessings and peace of Allaah be upon them
all. Allaah supported these Messengers with signs, which were miraculous
things, the like of which other people could not produce, which were
appropriate to the time and place in which each Messenger was sent. Some
were thrown into the fire and not harmed by it, such as Ibraaheem (Abraham);
some brought the dead back to life and healed the sick by Allaah’s Leave,
such as ‘Eesa (Jesus); one was given the Qur’aan and challenged all the most
eloquent Arabs to produce a single soorah like it, but they could not do it.
That was Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Allaah
caused inanimate objects and animals to speak to him, and the stone in his
hand glorified Allaah, and the camel complained to him about being given too
much work to do, and there were many other miracles. 

If the wise man thinks about what is keeping the Christians
from believing that Jesus (peace be upon him) was a Messenger from God, and
that he is like Abraham, Zacharias and John (peace be upon them), this will
put an end to the problem, as reason is in agreement with the fitrah (sound
human nature) and revelation. Jesus (peace be upon him) called people to God
and foretold the coming of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him). His enemies tried to kill him, but God saved him and he was not
crucified or killed, rather one of his companions was caused to look like
him, as the Qur’aan says (interpretation of the meaning):  

“but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it
appeared so to them the resemblance of ‘Eesa (Jesus) was put over another
man (and they killed that man)”
[al-Nisa’ 4:157]

They all believe that Allaah (God) is the Lord and Creator,
the only One to be worshipped, and they believe in His noble Messengers such
as Ibraaheem, Moosa, ‘Eesa and Muhammad, may the blessing and peace of
Allaah be upon them all. Then they follow the law of the last of them, the
Final Messenger, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). 

There is no comparison between the simplicity of this belief
and its affinity with sound human nature, and the confusion and
contradictions that exist in Christian belief, but we will give just one
example, which is the issue of the crucifixion and redemption. 

The Christians always say that God sent His only son to
relieve mankind of sin, and they regard that as an example of mercy and
justice. But we ask them: What kind of justice and what kind of mercy is it
for God to punish His only son – as they claim – for sin that he did not

What justice is there in passing the sin of Adam to his
children, then saying that they need to expiate it? 

What justice and mercy is there in delaying the expiation of
this sin for thousands of years, from Adam until the time of Jesus (peace be
upon him)? 

What justice and mercy is there in making the expiation
dependent upon crucifixion, pain and suffering, when it could be expiated,
according to the Jews, by means of repentance and sacrifice? 

When the Christians believed in the crucifixion, they wanted
to lift from the Messiah the dreadful shame which accompanies crucifixion,
which is the curse, so they claimed that crucifixion was actually an honour
and the ultimate aim of the Messiah’s mission. 

See: Deuteronomy 21:23, in which it says that anyone who is
hung on a tree – crucified – is under God’s curse. 

Undoubtedly believing in the Christian doctrine of the
crucifixion and redemption implies a number of false things, including the

1-That the previous Prophets and
righteous servants of God were all doomed, because their sins were not
expiated before they died.

2-That the Jews must be the most
blessed of people and superior to the Christians and all others, because it
was at their hands that this great aim was achieved, namely the crucifixion
of the Messiah!

3-That people may indulge freely
in evil and sin, safe from the punishment of God, because all sins have been
expiated for them, and God will forgive them all their sins, as they claim.

4-If the Messiah was crucified by
his own choice, as they say, then why did he cry out after the crucifixion,
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark

Finally, we ask Allaah to help you in your research about
Islam and guide you and open your heart to the truth and help you to follow
it wherever it is. We hope that what we have mentioned will provide answers
to your questions, even though the subjects that you mentioned require much
more detail than this. But we will be happy to remain in touch with you and
answer any of your questions. 

And Allaah knows best.


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