non-Muslim Celebrations
Can We Accept Food and Sweets from Non-Muslims?
It is permissible to accept a gift from a non-Muslim because he is a relative or neighbour, or for the purpose of softening his heart and calling him to Islam, but it is prohibited if it is done out of love. With regard to fish, sweets and vegetables, there is nothing wrong with eating them, unless it is known that something prohibited has been put in them, such as alcohol or lard (pork fat).133,086How can I differ from the Jews on the days that they venerate?
The point is that whether we say that the hadith of Umm Salamah is sound or not, it is not recommended (mustahabb) to single out the festivals of the disbelievers for fasting; rather it is disliked (makruh) to do that. Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: It is not permissible to single out the festival days of the polytheists for fasting. End quote from al-Fatawa al-Kubra (5/378). An exception to that may be made for Saturdays and Sundays, according to those scholars who think that the hadith of Umm Salamah is sahih, as noted above.1,573- 15,043
Ruling on playing games in which there are celebrations of non-Muslim festivals
If a Christian congratulates a Muslim on special occasions, how should he respond?
There is nothing wrong with responding when a non-Muslim greets a Muslim at Eid or on any other occasion, by wishing him well and praying for him in an appropriate manner that is equivalent to his greeting. So one may say to him, “May Allah help you” or “May Allah honour you” and the like, and if the intention is to pray that Allah bless him and guide him to Islam, then that is more appropriate and better. And Allah knows best.63,086- 15,213
Is it permissible for them to allow the disbelievers to celebrate their festivals in the hall of the mosque?
- 53,377
Ruling on buying clothing and other items during kaafir festivals in order to benefit from discounts on prices during the Christmas season
Eating Christmas Food in Islam
It is not permissible to eat from the food which the Christians or non-Muslims prepare on Christmas or other festivals. It is also not permissible to accept their invitations to join them in their celebrations.71,228Is Saying Merry Christmas Haram?
What is forbidden with regard to congratulating the Christians on the occasion of their festivals is expressing joy to them, being overly polite and showing approval of their actions, even if that is only expressed outwardly without feeling it inwardly.95,635What Celebrations Can Muslims Attend?
• It is not permissible for the Muslim to take part in the religious celebrations of the non-Muslims and it is not permissible for them to congratulate them. • It is permissible for Muslims to attend celebrations of the non-Muslims on their special occasions such as marriage, recovering from sickness and return from travel on condition that it serves a legitimate Shar`i interest. • It is not permissible for the Muslim to attend celebrations of the non-Muslims or the Muslims in which there is propagation of any false religion or ideology. • It is not permissible for the Muslim to attend any celebration of the non-Muslims or the Muslims if it is done in the manner of a repeated festival every year or every month and so on, like birthdays and Mother’s Day. • It is not permissible for the Muslim to attend any celebration of the non-Muslims or the Muslims that is a prohibited celebration in terms of the occasion, such as Valentine’s Day. • It is not permissible for the Muslim to attend any celebration of the non-Muslims or the Muslims in which there is mixing with women, or music, or where forbidden food is eaten.107,344- 32,122
She makes cards for festivals and sells them – is that permissible