Innovations in Religion and Worship
Categories of Bid`ah and Shirk
1. Bid`ah is worshipping Allah in ways that Allah has not prescribed or it is worshipping Allah in ways that are not those of the Prophet or his rightly guided Caliphs. 2. Bid`ah which constitutes disbelief is when one denies a matter on which there is scholarly consensus, which is widely-known, and which no Muslim can have any excuse for not knowing. 3. Bid`ah which does not constitute disbelief is that which does not imply rejection of the Quran or of anything with which Allah sent His messengers. 4. Major Shirk is every type of Shirk which the Lawgiver described as such and which puts a person beyond the pale of his religion. 5. Minor Shirk means every kind of speech or action that Islam describes as Shirk, but it does not put a person beyond the pale of Islam.167,252Is Salat al-Raghaib Sunnah?
Salat al-Raghaib is a bid`ah that has been introduced in Rajab. It is done on the night of the first Friday in Rajab, between Maghrib and `Isha, and is preceded by fasting on the first Thursday of Rajab.52,807Is ‘Umrah in Rajab Recommended?
There is no report from the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blesisngs be upon him) to suggest that there is any particular virtue in performing ‘Umrah in Rajab, or that it is encouraged. For more, please see the detailed answer.43,412- 14,809
Reciting du’aa’ for forgiveness in unison following prayer
- 40,157
Mocking innovators
- 70,159
The best way to call those who do not pray and to deal with innovators
Do You Need to Utter Intention for Acts of Worship?
According to the consensus of scholars, the intention of doing Wudu or Ghusl, of praying, fasting, paying Zakah, and other acts of worship does not need to be uttered verbally. Rather the place of intention is the heart.158,573Du’a after Every Two Rak’ahs of Tarawih: Allowed?
There is no basis in the Sunnah for saying du’a between one salam and the other during Tarawih prayer by saying “Subhanaka Rabbana wa bi hamdika Allahumma ighfir lana.”65,865- 29,669
Is it prescribed to boycott innovators in this day and age?
- 14,249
Does saying something that is bid’ah make one an innovator ?