زمرہ جات
Questions regarding corona virus (COVID-19
What is the ruling if members of the congregation form a row between the pillars, when they are spaced out because of the Covid pandemic?
If the worshippers are spaced out in the row because of precautionary measures required due to the pandemic, then there is no longer any reason to prevent praying between the pillars, and it is not disliked (makruh) to stand in a row between them in this case.Is it obligatory to fast Ramadan for one who has Covid-19?
2,362What is the ruling on having a Covid-19 test or swab during the day in Ramadan?
There is nothing wrong with having a test or swab for Covid-19 during the day in Ramadan, whether the swab is taken from the mouth or the nose, because insertion of the instrument into the throat or nose does not break the fast.11,858Does receiving the Covid-19 vaccine during the day in Ramadan break the fast?
There is nothing wrong with receiving the Covid-19 vaccine during the day in Ramadan, because it comes under the heading of injections for medical purposes, which do not break the fast, because they are not food or drink, and do not come under the same heading as food and drink.40,521What is the ruling on receiving the Covid-19 vaccine if it uses cells taken from aborted foetuses?
If cells taken from aborted foetuses are used in the vaccine, and we are unaware of the nature of these foetuses and whether they were miscarried naturally or aborted deliberately, for an Islamically legitimate reason or otherwise, then what appears to be the case is that it is permissible to receive this vaccine, because we are not certain as to whether its source is haraam, and the basic principle is that things are permissible. For more information, please see the long answer.22,646Is a doctor forbidden to mix with leprosy patients because of the hadith “Flee from the leper as you would flee from a lion”?
15,447Can he omit prostration or put prayers together at home, because he is afraid of contracting coronavirus if he prostrates in his workplace?
11,184She has Covid-19 and is in quarantine, and she cannot do ghusl following her menses or find any earth (for tayammum)
12,010How can someone who is wearing PPE (personal protective equipment) to guard against viruses do wudoo’ and pray?
28,462Is the one who dies of the coronavirus (Covid-19) a martyr?